; TODO named timelines
; TODO CLI params
; TODO config files
+; TODO parse "following" from feed
+; - following = <nick> <uri>
; TODO parse mentions:
; - @<source.nick source.url> | @<source.url>
; TODO highlight mentions
; TODO filter on hashtags
; TODO hashtags as channels? initial hashtag special?
; TODO query language
-; TODO concurrency
; TODO console logger colors by level ('error)
; TODO file logger ('debug)
; TODO commands:
(struct msg (tm_epoch tm_rfc3339 nick uri text))
(struct feed (nick uri))
+(define (concurrent-filter-map num_workers f xs)
+ (define (make-worker id f)
+ (define parent (current-thread))
+ (λ ()
+ (define self (current-thread))
+ (define (work)
+ (thread-send parent (cons 'next self))
+ (match (thread-receive)
+ ['done (thread-send parent (cons 'exit id))]
+ [(cons 'unit x) (begin
+ (define y (f x))
+ (when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y)))
+ (work))]))
+ (work)))
+ (define (dispatch ws xs ys)
+ (if (empty? ws)
+ ys
+ (match (thread-receive)
+ [(cons 'exit w) (dispatch (remove w ws =) xs ys)]
+ [(cons 'result y) (dispatch ws xs (cons y ys))]
+ [(cons 'next thd) (match xs
+ ['() (begin
+ (thread-send thd 'done)
+ (dispatch ws xs ys))]
+ [(cons x xs) (begin
+ (thread-send thd (cons 'unit x))
+ (dispatch ws xs ys))])])))
+ (define workers
+ (range 1 (add1 num_workers)))
+ (define threads
+ (map (λ (id) (thread (make-worker id f))) workers))
+ (define results
+ (dispatch workers xs '()))
+ (for-each thread-wait threads)
+ results)
(define (msg-print out-format odd msg)
(match out-format
(str->msgs [feed-nick feed] uri [uri-fetch uri])))
; TODO timeline contract : time-sorted list of messages
-(define (timeline feeds)
- (sort (append* (filter-map feed->msgs feeds))
+(define (timeline num_workers feeds)
+ (sort (append* (concurrent-filter-map num_workers feed->msgs feeds))
(λ (a b) [< (msg-tm_epoch a) (msg-tm_epoch b)])))
(define (we-are-twtxt)
(define (main)
(current-http-response-auto #f)
- (current-http-user-agent "xandkar/tt 0.0.0")
+ (current-http-user-agent "xandkar/tt 0.1.0")
(date-display-format 'rfc2822)
(define feeds (we-are-twtxt))
(define out-format 'multi-line)
- (timeline-print out-format (timeline feeds)))
+ (define num_workers 15) ; 15 was fastest out of the tried 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20.
+ (timeline-print out-format (timeline num_workers feeds)))