--- /dev/null
+ { path :: [binary()]
+ , value :: integer()
+ , timestamp :: erlang:timestamp()
+ }).
--- /dev/null
+ { name :: binary()
+ , value :: non_neg_integer()
+ }).
{application, beam_stats,
{description, "Periodic VM stats production and consumption."},
- {vsn, "0.9.0"},
+ {vsn, "0.10.0"},
{registered, []},
[ kernel
-type state() ::
--define(GRAPHITE_PATH_PREFIX, "beam_stats").
+-define(PATH_PREFIX , <<"beam_stats">>).
-define(DEFAULT_HOST , "localhost").
-define(DEFAULT_PORT , 2003).
-define(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT , 5000).
-spec beam_stats_queue_to_binary(beam_stats_consumer:queue()) ->
beam_stats_queue_to_binary(Q) ->
- Bins = [beam_stats_to_bin(B) || B <- queue:to_list(Q)],
+ Bins = [beam_stats_to_bins(B) || B <- queue:to_list(Q)],
--spec beam_stats_to_bin(beam_stats:t()) ->
- binary().
- { timestamp = Timestamp
- , node_id = NodeID
- , memory = Memory
- }
-) ->
- TimestampInt = timestamp_to_integer(Timestamp),
- TimestampBin = integer_to_binary(TimestampInt),
- <<NodeIDBin/binary>> = node_id_to_bin(NodeID),
- MemoryPairToBin = make_pair_to_bin(NodeIDBin, TimestampBin, <<"memory">>),
- MemoryBinPairs = lists:map(fun atom_int_to_bin_bin/1, Memory),
- MemoryBins = lists:map(MemoryPairToBin, MemoryBinPairs),
- AllBins =
- [ MemoryBins
- ],
- iolist_to_binary(AllBins).
--spec timestamp_to_integer(erlang:timestamp()) ->
- non_neg_integer().
-timestamp_to_integer({Megaseconds, Seconds, _}) ->
- Megaseconds * 1000000 + Seconds.
--spec make_pair_to_bin(binary(), binary(), binary()) ->
- fun(({binary(), binary()}) -> binary()).
-make_pair_to_bin(<<NodeID/binary>>, <<TimestampBin/binary>>, <<Type/binary>>) ->
- fun ({<<K/binary>>, <<V/binary>>}) ->
- , "."
- , NodeID/binary
- , "."
- , Type/binary
- , "."
- , K/binary
- , " "
- , V/binary
- , " "
- , TimestampBin/binary
- , "\n"
- >>
- end.
--spec node_id_to_bin(node()) ->
- binary().
-node_id_to_bin(NodeID) ->
- NodeIDBin = atom_to_binary(NodeID, utf8),
- re:replace(NodeIDBin, "[\@\.]", "_", [global, {return, binary}]).
--spec atom_int_to_bin_bin({atom(), integer()}) ->
- {binary(), binary()}.
-atom_int_to_bin_bin({K, V}) ->
- {atom_to_binary(K, latin1), integer_to_binary(V)}.
+-spec beam_stats_to_bins(beam_stats:t()) ->
+ [binary()].
+beam_stats_to_bins(#beam_stats{}=BeamStats) ->
+ MsgAddPrefix =
+ fun (M) -> beam_stats_msg_graphite:add_path_prefix(M, ?PATH_PREFIX) end,
+ Msgs1 = beam_stats_msg_graphite:of_beam_stats(BeamStats),
+ Msgs2 = lists:map(MsgAddPrefix, Msgs1),
+ lists:map(fun beam_stats_msg_graphite:to_bin/1, Msgs2).
-define(DEFAULT_DST_PORT, 8125).
-define(DEFAULT_SRC_PORT, 8124).
--type metric_type() ::
- % TODO: Add other metric types
- gauge.
- { name :: binary()
- , value :: non_neg_integer()
- , type :: metric_type()
- }).
--type statsd_msg() ::
- #statsd_msg{}.
{ sock :: hope_option:t(gen_udp:socket())
, dst_host :: inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname()
-type state() ::
--define(PATH_PREFIX, "beam_stats").
+-define(PATH_PREFIX, <<"beam_stats">>).
%% ============================================================================
%% Consumer implementation
-spec beam_stats_to_bins(beam_stats:t(), hope_option:t(binary())) ->
- { node_id = NodeID
- , memory = Memory
- , io_bytes_in = IOBytesIn
- , io_bytes_out = IOBytesOut
- , context_switches = ContextSwitches
- , reductions = Reductions
- , run_queue = RunQueue
- , ets = ETS
- , processes = Processes
- },
- StaticNodeNameOpt
-) ->
- NodeIDBin = hope_option:get(StaticNodeNameOpt, node_id_to_bin(NodeID)),
- Msgs1 =
- [ io_bytes_in_to_msg(IOBytesIn)
- , io_bytes_out_to_msg(IOBytesOut)
- , context_switches_to_msg(ContextSwitches)
- , reductions_to_msg(Reductions)
- , run_queue_to_msg(RunQueue)
- | memory_to_msgs(Memory)
- ]
- ++ ets_to_msgs(ETS)
- ++ procs_to_msgs(Processes),
- Msgs2 = [statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(M, NodeIDBin) || M <- Msgs1],
- [statsd_msg_to_bin(M) || M <- Msgs2].
--spec run_queue_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-run_queue_to_msg(RunQueue) ->
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"run_queue">>
- , value = RunQueue
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec reductions_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-reductions_to_msg(Reductions) ->
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"reductions">>
- , value = Reductions
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec context_switches_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-context_switches_to_msg(ContextSwitches) ->
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"context_switches">>
- , value = ContextSwitches
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec io_bytes_in_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-io_bytes_in_to_msg(IOBytesIn) ->
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"io.bytes_in">>
- , value = IOBytesIn
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec io_bytes_out_to_msg(non_neg_integer()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-io_bytes_out_to_msg(IOBytesOut) ->
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"io.bytes_out">>
- , value = IOBytesOut
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec procs_to_msgs(beam_stats_processes:t()) ->
- [statsd_msg()].
- #beam_stats_processes
- { individual_stats = Procs
- , count_all = CountAll
- , count_exiting = CountExiting
- , count_garbage_collecting = CountGarbageCollecting
- , count_registered = CountRegistered
- , count_runnable = CountRunnable
- , count_running = CountRunning
- , count_suspended = CountSuspended
- , count_waiting = CountWaiting
- }
-) ->
- [ gauge(<<"processes_count_all">> , CountAll)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_exiting">> , CountExiting)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_garbage_collecting">>, CountGarbageCollecting)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_registered">> , CountRegistered)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_runnable">> , CountRunnable)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_running">> , CountRunning)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_suspended">> , CountSuspended)
- , gauge(<<"processes_count_waiting">> , CountWaiting)
- | lists:append([proc_to_msgs(P) || P <- Procs])
- ].
--spec proc_to_msgs(beam_stats_process:t()) ->
- [statsd_msg()].
- #beam_stats_process
- { pid = Pid
- , memory = Memory
- , total_heap_size = TotalHeapSize
- , stack_size = StackSize
- , message_queue_len = MsgQueueLen
- }=Process
-) ->
- Origin = beam_stats_process:get_best_known_origin(Process),
- OriginBin = proc_origin_to_bin(Origin),
- PidBin = pid_to_bin(Pid),
- OriginDotPid = <<OriginBin/binary, ".", PidBin/binary>>,
- [ gauge(<<"process_memory." , OriginDotPid/binary>>, Memory)
- , gauge(<<"process_total_heap_size." , OriginDotPid/binary>>, TotalHeapSize)
- , gauge(<<"process_stack_size." , OriginDotPid/binary>>, StackSize)
- , gauge(<<"process_message_queue_len." , OriginDotPid/binary>>, MsgQueueLen)
- ].
--spec proc_origin_to_bin(beam_stats_process:best_known_origin()) ->
- binary().
-proc_origin_to_bin({registered_name, Name}) ->
- atom_to_binary(Name, utf8);
-proc_origin_to_bin({ancestry, Ancestry}) ->
- #beam_stats_process_ancestry
- { raw_initial_call = InitCallRaw
- , otp_initial_call = InitCallOTPOpt
- , otp_ancestors = AncestorsOpt
- } = Ancestry,
- Blank = <<"NONE">>,
- InitCallOTPBinOpt = hope_option:map(InitCallOTPOpt , fun mfa_to_bin/1),
- InitCallOTPBin = hope_option:get(InitCallOTPBinOpt, Blank),
- AncestorsBinOpt = hope_option:map(AncestorsOpt , fun ancestors_to_bin/1),
- AncestorsBin = hope_option:get(AncestorsBinOpt , Blank),
- InitCallRawBin = mfa_to_bin(InitCallRaw),
- << InitCallRawBin/binary
- , "--"
- , InitCallOTPBin/binary
- , "--"
- , AncestorsBin/binary
- >>.
-ancestors_to_bin([]) ->
- <<>>;
-ancestors_to_bin([A | Ancestors]) ->
- ABin = ancestor_to_bin(A),
- case ancestors_to_bin(Ancestors)
- of <<>> ->
- ABin
- ; <<AncestorsBin/binary>> ->
- <<ABin/binary, "-", AncestorsBin/binary>>
- end.
-ancestor_to_bin(A) when is_atom(A) ->
- atom_to_binary(A, utf8);
-ancestor_to_bin(A) when is_pid(A) ->
- pid_to_bin(A).
-pid_to_bin(Pid) ->
- PidList = erlang:pid_to_list(Pid),
- PidBin = re:replace(PidList, "[\.]", "_", [global, {return, binary}]),
- re:replace(PidBin , "[><]", "" , [global, {return, binary}]).
--spec mfa_to_bin(mfa()) ->
- binary().
-mfa_to_bin({Module, Function, Arity}) ->
- ModuleBin = atom_to_binary(Module , utf8),
- FunctionBin = atom_to_binary(Function, utf8),
- ArityBin = erlang:integer_to_binary(Arity),
- <<ModuleBin/binary, "-", FunctionBin/binary, "-", ArityBin/binary>>.
--spec gauge(binary(), integer()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-gauge(<<Name/binary>>, Value) when is_integer(Value) ->
- #statsd_msg
- { name = Name
- , value = Value
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec ets_to_msgs(beam_stats_ets:t()) ->
- [statsd_msg()].
-ets_to_msgs(PerTableStats) ->
- NestedMsgs = lists:map(fun ets_table_to_msgs/1, PerTableStats),
- lists:append(NestedMsgs).
--spec ets_table_to_msgs(beam_stats_ets_table:t()) ->
- [statsd_msg()].
- { id = ID
- , name = Name
- , size = Size
- , memory = Memory
- }
-) ->
- IDBin = beam_stats_ets_table:id_to_bin(ID),
- NameBin = atom_to_binary(Name, latin1),
- NameAndID = <<NameBin/binary, ".", IDBin/binary>>,
- SizeMsg =
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"ets_table.size.", NameAndID/binary>>
- , value = Size
- , type = gauge
- },
- MemoryMsg =
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"ets_table.memory.", NameAndID/binary>>
- , value = Memory
- , type = gauge
- },
- [SizeMsg, MemoryMsg].
--spec memory_to_msgs([{atom(), non_neg_integer()}]) ->
- [statsd_msg()].
-memory_to_msgs(Memory) ->
- [memory_component_to_statsd_msg(MC) || MC <- Memory].
--spec memory_component_to_statsd_msg({atom(), non_neg_integer()}) ->
- statsd_msg().
-memory_component_to_statsd_msg({MemType, MemSize}) when MemSize >= 0 ->
- MemTypeBin = atom_to_binary(MemType, latin1),
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<"memory.", MemTypeBin/binary>>
- , value = MemSize
- , type = gauge
- }.
--spec statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(statsd_msg(), binary()) ->
- statsd_msg().
-statsd_msg_add_name_prefix(#statsd_msg{name=Name1}=Msg, <<NodeID/binary>>) ->
- Prefix = <<?PATH_PREFIX, ".", NodeID/binary, ".">>,
- Name2 = <<Prefix/binary, Name1/binary>>,
- Msg#statsd_msg{name=Name2}.
--spec statsd_msg_to_bin(statsd_msg()) ->
- binary().
- #statsd_msg
- { name = <<Name/binary>>
- , value = Value
- , type = Type = gauge
- }
-) when Value >= 0 ->
- TypeBin = metric_type_to_bin(Type),
- ValueBin = integer_to_binary(Value),
- << Name/binary
- , ":"
- , ValueBin/binary
- , "|"
- , TypeBin/binary
- , "\n"
- >>.
--spec metric_type_to_bin(metric_type()) ->
- binary().
-metric_type_to_bin(gauge) ->
- <<"g">>.
--spec node_id_to_bin(node()) ->
- binary().
-node_id_to_bin(NodeID) ->
- NodeIDBin = atom_to_binary(NodeID, utf8),
- re:replace(NodeIDBin, "[\@\.]", "_", [global, {return, binary}]).
+beam_stats_to_bins(#beam_stats{node_id=NodeID}=BeamStats, StaticNodeNameOpt) ->
+ NodeIDBinDefault = beam_stats_msg_graphite:node_id_to_bin(NodeID),
+ NodeIDBin = hope_option:get(StaticNodeNameOpt, NodeIDBinDefault),
+ GraphiteMsgAddPrefix =
+ fun (M) -> beam_stats_msg_graphite:add_path_prefix(M, ?PATH_PREFIX) end,
+ MsgsGraphite1 = beam_stats_msg_graphite:of_beam_stats(BeamStats, NodeIDBin),
+ MsgsGraphite2 = lists:map(GraphiteMsgAddPrefix, MsgsGraphite1),
+ MsgsStatsD =
+ lists:map(fun beam_stats_msg_statsd_gauge:of_msg_graphite/1, MsgsGraphite2),
+ lists:map(fun beam_stats_msg_statsd_gauge:to_bin/1, MsgsStatsD).
--- /dev/null
+ [ t/0
+ ]).
+ [ of_beam_stats/1
+ , of_beam_stats/2
+ , to_bin/1
+ , path_to_bin/1
+ , add_path_prefix/2
+ , node_id_to_bin/1
+ ]).
+-define(T, #?MODULE).
+-type t() ::
+ ?T{}.
+%% ============================================================================
+%% API
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec of_beam_stats(beam_stats:t()) ->
+ [t()].
+of_beam_stats(#beam_stats{node_id=NodeID}=BeamStats) ->
+ NodeIDBin = node_id_to_bin(NodeID),
+ of_beam_stats(BeamStats, NodeIDBin).
+-spec of_beam_stats(beam_stats:t(), binary()) ->
+ [t()].
+ { timestamp = Timestamp
+ , node_id = _
+ , memory = Memory
+ , io_bytes_in = IOBytesIn
+ , io_bytes_out = IOBytesOut
+ , context_switches = ContextSwitches
+ , reductions = Reductions
+ , run_queue = RunQueue
+ , ets = ETS
+ , processes = Processes
+ },
+ <<NodeID/binary>>
+) ->
+ Ts = Timestamp,
+ N = NodeID,
+ [ cons([N, <<"io">> , <<"bytes_in">> ], IOBytesIn , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"io">> , <<"bytes_out">>], IOBytesOut , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"context_switches">> ], ContextSwitches, Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"reductions">> ], Reductions , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"run_queue">> ], RunQueue , Ts)
+ | of_memory(Memory, NodeID, Ts)
+ ]
+ ++ of_ets(ETS, NodeID, Ts)
+ ++ of_processes(Processes, NodeID, Ts).
+-spec to_bin(t()) ->
+ binary().
+ ?T
+ { path = Path
+ , value = Value
+ , timestamp = Timestamp
+ }
+) ->
+ PathBin = path_to_bin(Path),
+ ValueBin = integer_to_binary(Value),
+ TimestampInt = timestamp_to_integer(Timestamp),
+ TimestampBin = integer_to_binary(TimestampInt),
+ <<PathBin/binary, " ", ValueBin/binary, " ", TimestampBin/binary>>.
+-spec add_path_prefix(t(), binary()) ->
+ t().
+add_path_prefix(?T{path=Path}=T, <<Prefix/binary>>) ->
+ T?T{path = [Prefix | Path]}.
+-spec path_to_bin([binary()]) ->
+ binary().
+path_to_bin(Path) ->
+ bin_join(Path, <<".">>).
+-spec node_id_to_bin(node()) ->
+ binary().
+node_id_to_bin(NodeID) ->
+ NodeIDBin = atom_to_binary(NodeID, utf8),
+ re:replace(NodeIDBin, "[\@\.]", "_", [global, {return, binary}]).
+%% ============================================================================
+%% Helpers
+%% ============================================================================
+-spec bin_join([binary()], binary()) ->
+ binary().
+bin_join([] , <<_/binary>> ) -> <<>>;
+bin_join([<<B/binary>> | []] , <<_/binary>> ) -> B;
+bin_join([<<B/binary>> | [_|_]=Bins], <<Sep/binary>>) ->
+ BinsBin = bin_join(Bins, Sep),
+ <<B/binary, Sep/binary, BinsBin/binary>>.
+-spec timestamp_to_integer(erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ non_neg_integer().
+timestamp_to_integer({Megaseconds, Seconds, _}) ->
+ Megaseconds * 1000000 + Seconds.
+-spec of_memory([{atom(), non_neg_integer()}], binary(), erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ [t()].
+of_memory(Memory, <<NodeID/binary>>, Timestamp) ->
+ ComponentToMessage =
+ fun ({Key, Value}) ->
+ KeyBin = atom_to_binary(Key, latin1),
+ cons([NodeID, <<"memory">>, KeyBin], Value, Timestamp)
+ end,
+ lists:map(ComponentToMessage, Memory).
+-spec of_ets(beam_stats_ets:t(), binary(), erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ [t()].
+of_ets(PerTableStats, <<NodeID/binary>>, Timestamp) ->
+ OfEtsTable = fun (Table) -> of_ets_table(Table, NodeID, Timestamp) end,
+ NestedMsgs = lists:map(OfEtsTable, PerTableStats),
+ lists:append(NestedMsgs).
+-spec of_ets_table(beam_stats_ets_table:t(), binary(), erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ [t()].
+ { id = ID
+ , name = Name
+ , size = Size
+ , memory = Memory
+ },
+ <<NodeID/binary>>,
+ Timestamp
+) ->
+ IDBin = beam_stats_ets_table:id_to_bin(ID),
+ NameBin = atom_to_binary(Name, latin1),
+ NameAndID = [NameBin, IDBin],
+ [ cons([NodeID, <<"ets_table">>, <<"size">> | NameAndID], Size , Timestamp)
+ , cons([NodeID, <<"ets_table">>, <<"memory">> | NameAndID], Memory, Timestamp)
+ ].
+-spec of_processes(beam_stats_processes:t(), binary(), erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ [t()].
+ #beam_stats_processes
+ { individual_stats = Processes
+ , count_all = CountAll
+ , count_exiting = CountExiting
+ , count_garbage_collecting = CountGarbageCollecting
+ , count_registered = CountRegistered
+ , count_runnable = CountRunnable
+ , count_running = CountRunning
+ , count_suspended = CountSuspended
+ , count_waiting = CountWaiting
+ },
+ <<NodeID/binary>>,
+ Timestamp
+) ->
+ OfProcess = fun (P) -> of_process(P, NodeID, Timestamp) end,
+ PerProcessMsgsNested = lists:map(OfProcess, Processes),
+ PerProcessMsgsFlattened = lists:append(PerProcessMsgsNested),
+ Ts = Timestamp,
+ N = NodeID,
+ [ cons([N, <<"processes_count_all">> ], CountAll , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_exiting">> ], CountExiting , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_garbage_collecting">>], CountGarbageCollecting, Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_registered">> ], CountRegistered , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_runnable">> ], CountRunnable , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_running">> ], CountRunning , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_suspended">> ], CountSuspended , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"processes_count_waiting">> ], CountWaiting , Ts)
+ | PerProcessMsgsFlattened
+ ].
+-spec of_process(beam_stats_process:t(), binary(), erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ [t()].
+ #beam_stats_process
+ { pid = Pid
+ , memory = Memory
+ , total_heap_size = TotalHeapSize
+ , stack_size = StackSize
+ , message_queue_len = MsgQueueLen
+ }=Process,
+ <<NodeID/binary>>,
+ Timestamp
+) ->
+ Origin = beam_stats_process:get_best_known_origin(Process),
+ OriginBin = proc_origin_to_bin(Origin),
+ PidBin = pid_to_bin(Pid),
+ OriginAndPid = [OriginBin, PidBin],
+ Ts = Timestamp,
+ N = NodeID,
+ [ cons([N, <<"process_memory">> | OriginAndPid], Memory , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"process_total_heap_size">> | OriginAndPid], TotalHeapSize , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"process_stack_size">> | OriginAndPid], StackSize , Ts)
+ , cons([N, <<"process_message_queue_len">> | OriginAndPid], MsgQueueLen , Ts)
+ ].
+-spec proc_origin_to_bin(beam_stats_process:best_known_origin()) ->
+ binary().
+proc_origin_to_bin({registered_name, Name}) ->
+ atom_to_binary(Name, utf8);
+proc_origin_to_bin({ancestry, Ancestry}) ->
+ #beam_stats_process_ancestry
+ { raw_initial_call = InitCallRaw
+ , otp_initial_call = InitCallOTPOpt
+ , otp_ancestors = AncestorsOpt
+ } = Ancestry,
+ Blank = <<"NONE">>,
+ InitCallOTPBinOpt = hope_option:map(InitCallOTPOpt , fun mfa_to_bin/1),
+ InitCallOTPBin = hope_option:get(InitCallOTPBinOpt, Blank),
+ AncestorsBinOpt = hope_option:map(AncestorsOpt , fun ancestors_to_bin/1),
+ AncestorsBin = hope_option:get(AncestorsBinOpt , Blank),
+ InitCallRawBin = mfa_to_bin(InitCallRaw),
+ << InitCallRawBin/binary
+ , "--"
+ , InitCallOTPBin/binary
+ , "--"
+ , AncestorsBin/binary
+ >>.
+ancestors_to_bin([]) ->
+ <<>>;
+ancestors_to_bin([A | Ancestors]) ->
+ ABin = ancestor_to_bin(A),
+ case ancestors_to_bin(Ancestors)
+ of <<>> ->
+ ABin
+ ; <<AncestorsBin/binary>> ->
+ <<ABin/binary, "-", AncestorsBin/binary>>
+ end.
+ancestor_to_bin(A) when is_atom(A) ->
+ atom_to_binary(A, utf8);
+ancestor_to_bin(A) when is_pid(A) ->
+ pid_to_bin(A).
+pid_to_bin(Pid) ->
+ PidList = erlang:pid_to_list(Pid),
+ PidBin = re:replace(PidList, "[\.]", "_", [global, {return, binary}]),
+ re:replace(PidBin , "[><]", "" , [global, {return, binary}]).
+-spec mfa_to_bin(mfa()) ->
+ binary().
+mfa_to_bin({Module, Function, Arity}) ->
+ ModuleBin = atom_to_binary(Module , utf8),
+ FunctionBin = atom_to_binary(Function, utf8),
+ ArityBin = erlang:integer_to_binary(Arity),
+ <<ModuleBin/binary, "-", FunctionBin/binary, "-", ArityBin/binary>>.
+-spec cons([binary()], integer(), erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ t().
+cons(Path, Value, Timestamp) ->
+ ?T
+ { path = Path
+ , value = Value
+ , timestamp = Timestamp
+ }.
--- /dev/null
+ [ t/0
+ ]).
+ [ of_msg_graphite/1
+ , to_bin/1
+ ]).
+-define(T, #?MODULE).
+-type t() ::
+ ?T{}.
+ #beam_stats_msg_graphite
+ { path = Path
+ , value = Value
+ , timestamp = _Timestamp
+ }
+) ->
+ PathBin = beam_stats_msg_graphite:path_to_bin(Path),
+ cons(PathBin, Value).
+-spec cons(binary(), non_neg_integer()) ->
+ t().
+cons(<<Name/binary>>, Value) ->
+ ?T
+ { name = Name
+ , value = Value
+ }.
+-spec to_bin(t()) ->
+ binary().
+ ?T
+ { name = <<Name/binary>>
+ , value = Value
+ }
+) when Value >= 0 ->
+ ValueBin = integer_to_binary(Value),
+ << Name/binary, ":", ValueBin/binary, "|g\n">>.