(* Ignoring value because we only care if a type-checking exception
* is raised in one of trexp calls: *)
List.iter exps ~f:(fun (exp, _) -> ignore (trexp exp));
+ (* FIXME: Return type of last expression, not unit. *)
| A.AssignExp {var; exp; pos} ->
check_same (trvar var) (trexp exp) ~pos;
let ty = transTy ~env ty in
Env.set_typ env name ty
- | A.FunDecs _ ->
- unimplemented ()
+ | A.FunDecs fundecs ->
+ List.fold_left fundecs ~init:env ~f:(
+ fun env (A.FunDec {name; params; result; body; pos=_}) ->
+ let (env_for_body, formals_in_reverse_order) =
+ List.fold_left params ~init:(env, []) ~f:(
+ fun (env, formals) (A.Field {name; escape=_; typ; pos}) ->
+ let ty = env_get_typ ~env ~sym:typ ~pos in
+ let env = Env.set_val env name (Value.Var {ty}) in
+ (env, ty :: formals)
+ )
+ in
+ (* ignore because we only care if an exception is raised *)
+ ignore (transExp ~env:env_for_body body);
+ let formals = List.rev formals_in_reverse_order in
+ let result =
+ match result with
+ | None ->
+ Type.Unit
+ | Some (sym, pos) ->
+ env_get_typ ~sym ~env ~pos
+ in
+ Env.set_val env name (Value.Fun {formals; result})
+ )
and transTy ~env typ =
(match typ with