| Invalid_syntax of Pos.t
| Unknown_id of {id : Sym.t; pos : Pos.t}
| Unknown_type of {ty_id : Sym.t; pos : Pos.t}
+ | Id_is_a_function of {id : Sym.t; pos : Pos.t}
| Id_not_a_function of {id : Sym.t; pos : Pos.t}
+ | No_such_field_in_record of {field : Sym.t; record : Typ.t; pos : Pos.t}
+ | Exp_not_a_record of {ty : Typ.t; pos : Pos.t}
+ | Wrong_type of
+ { expected : Typ.t
+ ; given : Typ.t
+ ; pos : Pos.t
+ }
| Wrong_type_of_expression_in_var_dec of
{ var_id : Sym.t
; expected : Typ.t
s "Unknown identifier %S in %s" (Sym.to_string id) (Pos.to_string pos)
| Unknown_type {ty_id; pos} ->
s "Unknown type %S in %s" (Sym.to_string ty_id) (Pos.to_string pos)
+ | Id_is_a_function {id; pos} ->
+ s "Identifier %S is a function, it cannot be used as a variable in %s"
+ (Sym.to_string id) (Pos.to_string pos)
| Id_not_a_function {id; pos} ->
s "Identifier %S is not a function, it cannot be called in %s"
(Sym.to_string id) (Pos.to_string pos)
+ | No_such_field_in_record {field; record; pos} ->
+ s "No field %S in record %S in %s"
+ (Sym.to_string field) (Typ.to_string record) (Pos.to_string pos)
+ | Exp_not_a_record {ty; pos} ->
+ s ( "This expression has type %S, it is not a record, it cannot be"
+ ^^"accessed in %s")
+ (Typ.to_string ty) (Pos.to_string pos)
+ | Wrong_type {expected; given; pos} ->
+ s "Type error: expected: %S, but given: %S, in %s"
+ (Typ.to_string expected)
+ (Typ.to_string given)
+ (Pos.to_string pos)
| Wrong_type_of_expression_in_var_dec {var_id; expected; given; pos} ->
s ( "Wrong type of expression in declaration of %S. "
^^"Expected: %S, given: %S. In %s")
| Invalid_syntax _
| Unknown_type _
+ | Id_is_a_function _
| Id_not_a_function _
+ | No_such_field_in_record _
+ | Exp_not_a_record _
+ | Wrong_type _
| Wrong_type_of_expression_in_var_dec _
| Wrong_type_used_as_record _
| Wrong_type_of_field_value _
+module List = ListLabels
module A = Tiger_absyn
module Env = Tiger_env
module E = Tiger_error
-module Map = Tiger_map
-module Pos = Tiger_position
-module Symbol = Tiger_symbol
module Translate = Tiger_translate
module Type = Tiger_env_type
module Value = Tiger_env_value
let unimplemented () =
failwith "unimplemented"
- (* TODO: Perhaps a wrapper for env.get that raises semantic error if not found *)
+ let return ty = {exp = (); ty}
+ let return_unit = return Type.Unit
+ let return_nil = return Type.Nil
+ let return_int = return Type.Int
+ let return_string = return Type.String
- let transExp ~env:_ exp =
- (match exp with
- | A.NilExp ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.IntExp _ ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.StringExp {string=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.CallExp {func=_; args=_; pos=_} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.OpExp {left=_; oper=_; right=_; pos=_} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.RecordExp {fields=_; typ=_; pos=_} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.SeqExp _ ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.AssignExp {var=_; exp=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.IfExp {test=_; then'=_; else'=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.WhileExp {test=_; body=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.ForExp {var=_; lo=_; hi=_; body=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.BreakExp _ ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.LetExp {decs=_; body=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.ArrayExp {typ=_; size=_; init=_; _} ->
- unimplemented ()
- | A.VarExp _ ->
- unimplemented ()
- )
+ let env_get_typ ~sym ~env ~pos : Type.t =
+ match Env.get_typ env sym with
+ | Some ty -> ty
+ | None -> E.raise (E.Unknown_type {ty_id=sym; pos})
+ let env_get_val ~sym ~env ~pos : Value.t =
+ match Env.get_val env sym with
+ | Some ty -> ty
+ | None -> E.raise (E.Unknown_id {id=sym; pos})
+ let check_same {exp=_; ty=ty_left} {exp=_; ty=ty_right} ~pos : unit =
+ if Type.is_equal ty_left ty_right then
+ ()
+ else
+ E.raise (E.Wrong_type {expected=ty_left; given=ty_right; pos})
+ let check_int expty ~pos : unit =
+ check_same {exp=(); ty=Type.Int} expty ~pos
+ let rec transExp ~env exp =
+ let rec trexp exp =
+ (match exp with
+ | A.NilExp ->
+ return_nil
+ | A.IntExp _ ->
+ return_int
+ | A.StringExp {string=_; _} ->
+ return_string
+ | A.CallExp {func=_; args=_; pos=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.OpExp {oper; left; right; pos} ->
+ trop oper ~left ~right ~pos
+ | A.RecordExp {fields=_; typ=_; pos=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.SeqExp exps ->
+ (* Ignoring value because we only care if a type-checking exception
+ * is raised in one of trexp calls: *)
+ List.iter exps ~f:(fun (exp, _) -> ignore (trexp exp));
+ return_unit
+ | A.AssignExp {var; exp; pos} ->
+ check_same (trvar var) (trexp exp) ~pos;
+ (* TODO: Add var->exp to val env? *)
+ return_unit
+ | A.IfExp {test; then'; else'; pos} ->
+ (* test : must be int, because we have no bool *)
+ (* then : must equal else *)
+ (* else : must equal then or be None *)
+ check_int (trexp test) ~pos;
+ (match (trexp then', else') with
+ | expty_then, None ->
+ expty_then
+ | expty_then, Some else' ->
+ let expty_else = trexp else' in
+ check_same expty_then expty_else ~pos;
+ expty_then
+ )
+ | A.WhileExp {test; body; pos} ->
+ (* test : must be int, because we have no bool *)
+ check_int (trexp test) ~pos;
+ ignore (trexp body); (* Only care if a type-error is raised *)
+ return_unit
+ | A.ForExp {var; lo; hi; body; pos; escape=_} ->
+ check_int (trexp lo) ~pos;
+ check_int (trexp hi) ~pos;
+ (* Only care if a type-error is raised *)
+ ignore (transExp ~env:(Env.set_typ env var Type.Int) body);
+ return_unit
+ | A.BreakExp _ ->
+ return_unit
+ | A.LetExp {decs=_; body=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.ArrayExp {typ=_; size=_; init=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.VarExp var ->
+ trvar var
+ )
+ and trvar =
+ (function
+ | A.SimpleVar {symbol=sym; pos} ->
+ (match env_get_val ~sym ~env ~pos with
+ | Value.Fun _ -> E.raise (E.Id_is_a_function {id=sym; pos})
+ | Value.Var {ty} -> return ty
+ )
+ | A.FieldVar {var; symbol; pos} ->
+ let {exp=_; ty} = trvar var in
+ Type.if_record
+ ty
+ ~f:(fun fields ->
+ (match List.assoc_opt symbol fields with
+ | None ->
+ E.raise
+ (E.No_such_field_in_record {field=symbol; record=ty; pos})
+ | Some ty ->
+ return ty
+ )
+ )
+ ~otherwise:(fun () -> E.raise (E.Exp_not_a_record {ty; pos}))
+ | A.SubscriptVar {var=_; exp=_; pos=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ )
+ and trop oper ~left ~right ~pos =
+ let expty_left = trexp left in
+ let expty_right = trexp right in
+ check_same expty_left expty_right ~pos;
+ let {exp=_; ty} = expty_left in
+ let module T = Type in
+ (match oper with
+ (* Arithmetic: int *)
+ | A.PlusOp
+ | A.MinusOp
+ | A.TimesOp
+ | A.DivideOp ->
+ check_int expty_left ~pos;
+ return_int
+ (* Equality: int, string, array, record *)
+ | A.EqOp
+ | A.NeqOp ->
+ if (T.is_int ty)
+ || (T.is_string ty)
+ || (T.is_array ty)
+ || (T.is_record ty)
+ then
+ return ty
+ else
+ E.raise (E.Invalid_operand_type
+ { oper
+ ; valid = ["int"; "string"; "array"; "record"]
+ ; given = ty
+ ; pos
+ })
+ (* Order: int, string *)
+ | A.LtOp
+ | A.LeOp
+ | A.GtOp
+ | A.GeOp ->
+ if (T.is_int ty)
+ || (T.is_string ty)
+ then
+ return ty
+ else
+ E.raise (E.Invalid_operand_type
+ { oper
+ ; valid = ["int"; "string"]
+ ; given = ty
+ ; pos
+ })
+ )
+ in
+ trexp exp
let transVar ~env:_ var =
(match var with