(define (feed-download f)
(match-define (feed nick uri) f)
(define u (url->string uri))
- (log-info "Downloading feed nick:~a uri:~a" nick u)
+ (log-info "Downloading feed uri:~a" u)
(λ (e)
(define-values (_result _tm-cpu-ms tm-real-ms _tm-gc-ms)
(time-apply uri-download (list uri)))
- (log-info "Downloaded in ~a seconds, uri: ~a" (/ tm-real-ms 1000.0) u)))
+ (log-info "Feed downloaded in ~a seconds, uri: ~a" (/ tm-real-ms 1000.0) u)))
(: timeline-download (-> Integer (Listof Feed) Void))
(define (timeline-download num-workers feeds)
njobs "Number of concurrent jobs."
(set! num-workers (string->number njobs))]
#:args (filename)
- (timeline-download num-workers (file->feeds filename))))]
+ (define-values (_res _cpu real-ms _gc)
+ (time-apply timeline-download (list num-workers (file->feeds filename))))
+ ; TODO Sync with logger before exit
+ (eprintf "Timeline downloaded in ~a seconds.~n" (/ real-ms 1000.0))
+ ))]
[(or "u" "upload")