--- /dev/null
+module List = ListLabels
+type color = R | B
+type ('k, 'v) t =
+ | Leaf
+ | Node of color * ('k * 'v) * ('k, 'v) t * ('k, 'v) t
+let empty = Leaf
+let set t ~k ~v =
+ let balance = function
+ | Leaf -> assert false
+ (* LL *) | Node (B, x, Node (R, lx, Node (R, llx, lll, llr), lr ), r ) -> Node (R, lx , Node (B, llx, lll, llr), Node (B, x , lr , r ))
+ (* LR *) | Node (B, x, Node (R, lx, ll , Node (R, lrx, lrl, lrr)), r ) -> Node (R, lrx, Node (B, lx , ll , lrl), Node (B, x , lrr, r ))
+ (* RL *) | Node (B, x, l , Node (R, rx, Node (R, rlx, rll, rlr), rr )) -> Node (R, rlx, Node (B, x , l , rll), Node (B, rx , rlr, rr ))
+ (* RR *) | Node (B, x, l , Node (R, rx, rl , Node (R, rrx, rrl, rrr))) -> Node (R, rx , Node (B, x , l , rl ), Node (B, rrx, rrl, rrr))
+ | node -> node (* Fragile pattern. Shall we reconsider? *)
+ in
+ let rec set t k v =
+ match t with
+ (* Because we recur, we cannot at this stage know if the following Node
+ * with Leaf children will end-up as root (in which case it should be
+ * black) or as the last node before leaves (in which case it should be
+ * red). We begin by assuming that it is the later and at the very end,
+ * before returning to the caller, force the actual root node (which is
+ * easy to identify at that point) to be black, regardless of what it
+ * already is.
+ *)
+ | Leaf -> Node (R, (k, v), Leaf, Leaf) (* Maybe root or last node, so R *)
+ | Node (c, ((k', _) as x), l, r) when k < k' -> balance (Node (c, x, set l k v, r))
+ | Node (c, ((k', _) as x), l, r) when k > k' -> balance (Node (c, x, l , set r k v))
+ | Node (c, _ , l, r) -> Node (c, (k, v), l, r)
+ in
+ match set t k v with
+ | Leaf -> assert false (* Can we GADT this away? *)
+ | Node (_, (k, v), l, r) -> Node (B, (k, v), l, r) (* Root is always Black *)
+let rec get t ~k =
+ match t with
+ | Leaf -> None
+ | Node (_, (k', _), l, _) when k < k' -> get l ~k
+ | Node (_, (k', _), _, r) when k > k' -> get r ~k
+ | Node (_, (_ , v), _, _) -> Some v
+let rec member t ~k =
+ match t with
+ | Leaf -> false
+ | Node (_, (k', _), l, _) when k < k' -> member l ~k
+ | Node (_, (k', _), _, r) when k > k' -> member r ~k
+ | Node (_, (_ , _), _, _) -> true
+let to_edges t =
+ let rec to_edges_from node1 t =
+ match t with
+ | Leaf -> [(node1, `Leaf)]
+ | Node (c2, (k2, _), l, r) ->
+ let node2 = k2, c2 in
+ (node1, `Node node2) :: ((to_edges_from node2 l) @ (to_edges_from node2 r))
+ in
+ match t with
+ | Leaf ->
+ []
+ | Node (c, (k, _), l, r) ->
+ let node1 = k, c in
+ (to_edges_from node1 l) @ (to_edges_from node1 r)
+let color_to_string = function
+ | B -> "black"
+ | R -> "red"
+let to_dot t ~k_to_string =
+ let (dot_edges_and_nodes, _, _) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (to_edges t)
+ ~init:("", "\n", 0)
+ ~f:(fun (dot_edges_and_nodes, sep, leaves) ((k1, c1), node2_or_leaf) ->
+ let k1 = k_to_string k1 in
+ let k2, c2, leaves =
+ match node2_or_leaf with
+ | `Leaf ->
+ let leaves = succ leaves in
+ let label = Printf.sprintf "Leaf_%d" leaves in
+ (label, B, leaves)
+ | `Node (k2, c2) ->
+ let label = k_to_string k2 in
+ (label, c2, leaves)
+ in
+ let dot_edges_and_nodes =
+ Printf.sprintf
+ "%s%s %S -> %S;\n %S [color=%s,fontcolor=white,style=filled];\n %S [color=%s,fontcolor=white,style=filled];\n"
+ dot_edges_and_nodes
+ sep
+ k1 k2
+ k1 (color_to_string c1) (* Yes, it's redundant... *)
+ k2 (color_to_string c2)
+ in
+ let sep = "" in
+ (dot_edges_and_nodes, sep, leaves)
+ )
+ in
+ "digraph G {" ^ dot_edges_and_nodes ^ "}"