--- /dev/null
+ [ t/0
+ ]).
+ [ now/0
+ , of_timestamp/1
+ , to_unix_time/1
+ , of_iso8601/1
+ % Floatable
+ , of_float/1
+ , to_float/1
+ % TODO: Stringable
+ ]).
+-define(T, #?MODULE).
+ { unix_time :: float()
+ }).
+-opaque t() ::
+ ?T{}.
+-spec now() ->
+ t().
+now() ->
+ Timestamp = os:timestamp(),
+ of_timestamp(Timestamp).
+-spec of_timestamp(erlang:timestamp()) ->
+ t().
+of_timestamp({MegasecondsInt, SecondsInt, MicrosecondsInt}) ->
+ Million = 1000000.0,
+ Megaseconds = float(MegasecondsInt),
+ Seconds = float(SecondsInt),
+ Microseconds = float(MicrosecondsInt),
+ UnixTime = (Megaseconds * Million) + Seconds + (Microseconds / Million),
+ ?T{unix_time = UnixTime}.
+-spec to_unix_time(t()) ->
+ float().
+to_unix_time(?T{unix_time=UnixTime}) ->
+ UnixTime.
+-spec of_float(float()) ->
+ t().
+of_float(Float) when is_float(Float) ->
+ ?T{unix_time = Float}.
+-spec to_float(t()) ->
+ float().
+to_float(?T{unix_time=Float}) ->
+ Float.
+-spec of_iso8601(binary()) ->
+ hope_result:t(t(), {unrecognized_as_iso8601, binary()}).
+of_iso8601(<<Bin/binary>>) ->
+ % We use regexp rather than just simple binary pattern match, because we
+ % also want to validate character ranges, i.e., that components are
+ % integers.
+ ValidPatterns =
+ [ {zoneless, <<"\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\dT\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d">>}
+ ],
+ ValidPatternMatchers =
+ [{Tag, make_regexp_bool(RegExp)} || {Tag, RegExp} <- ValidPatterns],
+ case hope_list:first_match(ValidPatternMatchers, Bin)
+ of none -> {error, {unrecognized_as_iso8601, Bin}}
+ ; {some, zoneless} -> {ok, of_iso8601_zoneless(Bin)}
+ end.
+-spec of_iso8601_zoneless(binary()) ->
+ t().
+of_iso8601_zoneless(<<Bin/binary>>) ->
+ << YearBin:4/binary, "-", MonthBin:2/binary, "-", DayBin:2/binary
+ , "T"
+ , HourBin:2/binary, ":", MinBin:2/binary , ":", SecBin:2/binary
+ >> = Bin,
+ Year = binary_to_integer(YearBin),
+ Month = binary_to_integer(MonthBin),
+ Day = binary_to_integer(DayBin),
+ Hour = binary_to_integer(HourBin),
+ Min = binary_to_integer(MinBin),
+ Sec = binary_to_integer(SecBin),
+ DateTime = {{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Min, Sec}},
+ SecondsGregorian = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime),
+ SecondsFromZeroToUnixEpoch = 62167219200,
+ SecondsUnixEpochInt = SecondsGregorian - SecondsFromZeroToUnixEpoch,
+ SecondsUnixEpoch = float(SecondsUnixEpochInt),
+ of_float(SecondsUnixEpoch).
+-spec make_regexp_bool(binary()) ->
+ fun((binary()) -> boolean()).
+make_regexp_bool(<<RegExp/binary>>) ->
+ fun (<<String/binary>>) ->
+ case re:run(String, RegExp)
+ of nomatch -> false
+ ; {match, _} -> true
+ end
+ end.