X-Plane UDP data parser
+### Receive data packet
+{ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(Port, [binary, {active, false}]),
+{ok, {_, _, <<XPlaneDataPacket/binary>>}} = gen_udp:recv(Socket, 0),
+### Parse data packet
+{ok, {Index, Groups}} = x_plane_data_raw:of_bin(XPlaneDataPacket),
+### Access parsed data
-main(Port) ->
- {ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(Port, [binary, {active, false}]),
- {ok, {_, _, <<XPlaneDataPacket/binary>>}} = gen_udp:recv(Socket, 0),
- {ok, {Index, Groups}} = x_plane_data_raw:of_bin(XPlaneDataPacket),
- % Speeds are in group 3
- {3, Speeds} = lists:keyfind(3, 1, Groups),
- { VindKias
- , VindKeas
- , VtrueKtas
- , VtrueKtgs
- , _
- , VindMph
- , VtrueMphas
- , VtrueMphgs
- } = Speeds,
- % Pitch roll and headings values are in group 17
- {17, PitchRollHeadings} = lists:keyfind(17, 1, Groups),
- { PitchDeg
- , RollDeg
- , HdingTrue
- , HdingMag
- , _
- , _
- , _
- , _
- } = PitchRollHeadings,
- ...
+% Speeds are in group 3
+{3, Speeds} = lists:keyfind(3, 1, Groups),
+{ VindKias
+, VindKeas
+, VtrueKtas
+, VtrueKtgs
+, _
+, VindMph
+, VtrueMphas
+, VtrueMphgs
+} = Speeds,
+% Pitch roll and headings values are in group 17
+{17, PitchRollHeadings} = lists:keyfind(17, 1, Groups),
+{ PitchDeg
+, RollDeg
+, HdingTrue
+, HdingMag
+, _
+, _
+, _
+, _
+} = PitchRollHeadings,
Data format references