+A Tiger-compiler implementation in (OCa)ML
-### Done
+### Technical issues
+- [-] testing framework
+ - [x] run arbitrary code snippets
+ - [x] check non-failures
+ - [x] check expected output
+ - [-] check expected exceptions
+ - [x] semant stage
+ - [ ] generalized expect `Output ('a option) | Exception of (exn -> bool)`
+ - [x] run all book test case files
+ - [ ] grid view (cols: lex, pars, semant, etc.; rows: test cases.)
+- [ ] Travis CI
+### Features
+#### Done
- [x] ch 1: Warm-up AST
- [x] ch 2: Lexer
- [x] ch 3: Parser
- [x] ch 4: AST
-### TODO (short-term)
+#### In-progress
- [-] ch 5: Semantic Analysis (type checking)
+#### TODO (short-term)
- [ ] ch 6: Activation Records
- [ ] ch 7: Translation to Intermediate Code
- [ ] ch 08: Basic Blocks and Traces
- [ ] ch 10: Liveness Analysis
- [ ] ch 11: Register Allocation
- [ ] ch 12: Putting It All Together
-### TODO (long-term)
+#### TODO (long-term)
- [ ] ch 13: Garbage Collection
- [ ] ch 15: Functional Programming Languages
- [ ] ch 16: Polymorphic Types
- [ ] ch 19: Static Single-Assignment Form
- [ ] ch 20: Pipelining and Scheduling
- [ ] ch 21: The Memory Hierarchy
-### Maybe
+#### Maybe
- [ ] ch 14: Object-Oriented Languages
Implementation Notes
### AST
#### print as M-exp
+### Machine
+Will most-likely compile to RISC and execute using SPIM (as favored by Appel)