-let transProg _ =
- failwith "Not implemented: Tiger_semant.transProg"
+module A = Tiger_absyn
+module Env = Tiger_env
+module E = Tiger_error
+module Map = Tiger_map
+module Pos = Tiger_position
+module Symbol = Tiger_symbol
+module Translate = Tiger_translate
+module Type = Tiger_env_type
+module Value = Tiger_env_value
+(* The only reason for having this seemingly-superfluous inner module is to
+ * have this nice signature as a summary of what each function does. *)
+module Semant : sig
+ type expty =
+ { exp : Translate.exp
+ ; ty : Type.t
+ }
+ (* Violating normal naming convention just to make it easier to follow
+ * Appel's
+ *)
+ val transExp : env:Env.t -> A.exp -> expty
+ val transVar : env:Env.t -> A.var -> expty
+ val transDec : env:Env.t -> A.dec -> Env.t
+ val transTy : env:Env.t -> A.ty -> Type.t (* needs only type env *)
+end = struct
+ type expty =
+ { exp : Translate.exp
+ ; ty : Type.t
+ }
+ let unimplemented () =
+ failwith "unimplemented"
+ (* TODO: Perhaps a wrapper for env.get that raises semantic error if not found *)
+ let transExp ~env:_ exp =
+ (match exp with
+ | A.NilExp ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.IntExp _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.StringExp {string=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.CallExp {func=_; args=_; pos=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.OpExp {left=_; oper=_; right=_; pos=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.RecordExp {fields=_; typ=_; pos=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.SeqExp _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.AssignExp {var=_; exp=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.IfExp {test=_; then'=_; else'=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.WhileExp {test=_; body=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.ForExp {var=_; lo=_; hi=_; body=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.BreakExp _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.LetExp {decs=_; body=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.ArrayExp {typ=_; size=_; init=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.VarExp _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ )
+ let transVar ~env:_ var =
+ (match var with
+ | A.SimpleVar {symbol=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.FieldVar {var=_; symbol=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.SubscriptVar {var=_; exp=_; _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ )
+ let transDec ~env:_ dec =
+ (match dec with
+ | A.VarDec {name=_; typ=_; init=_; pos=_; escape=_} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.TypeDecs _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.FunDecs _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ )
+ let transTy ~env:_ typ =
+ (match typ with
+ | A.NameTy {symbol = _; pos = _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.RecordTy _ ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ | A.ArrayTy {symbol = _; pos = _} ->
+ unimplemented ()
+ )
+let transProg absyn =
+ let open Semant in
+ let {exp = _; ty = _} = transExp absyn ~env:Env.base in
+ ()