| A.OpExp {oper; left; right; pos} ->
trop oper ~left ~right ~pos
- | A.RecordExp {fields=_; typ=_; pos=_} ->
- unimplemented ()
+ | A.RecordExp {fields=field_exps; typ; pos} ->
+ let ty = env_get_typ ~sym:typ ~env ~pos in
+ Type.if_record
+ ty
+ ~f:(fun field_tys ->
+ List.iter field_exps ~f:(fun (field, exp, pos) ->
+ (match List.assoc_opt field field_tys with
+ | Some field_ty ->
+ check_same {exp=(); ty=field_ty} (trexp exp) ~pos
+ | None ->
+ E.raise
+ (E.No_such_field_in_record {field; record=ty; pos})
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ~otherwise:(fun () ->
+ E.raise (E.Wrong_type_used_as_record {ty_id=typ; ty; pos})
+ );
+ return ty
| A.SeqExp exps ->
(* Ignoring value because we only care if a type-checking exception
* is raised in one of trexp calls: *)