-spec of_bin(binary(), non_neg_integer()) ->
hope_result:t(t(), parsing_error()).
of_bin(<<"DATA", _PacketIndexByte:1/bytes, ContiguousBlocks/binary>>, MaxIndex) ->
- % Packet index byte seems to be changing from X-Plane version to verion.
+ % Packet index byte seems to be changing from X-Plane version to version.
% What is it's meaning?
if byte_size(ContiguousBlocks) rem ?BYTE_SIZE_OF_EACH_BLOCK =:= 0 ->
Blocks = blocks_split(ContiguousBlocks),
{error, {block_index_byte_out_of_range, Anonymous}}
anonymous_of_bin(<<Block/binary>>, _) ->
- % This case shouldn't possible with a correct packet length, but we want to
+ % This case shouldn't be possible with a correct packet length, but we want to
% allow for possibility of using this module independently of it's parent,
% data module.
{error, {block_structure_invalid, Block}}.