X-Git-Url: https://git.xandkar.net/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=home%2F.xbindkeysrc;h=bf732d65efa6a11046a88cb1f35954e2f416a60a;hb=HEAD;hp=cb65a7d645486dec12e84ede1ff8ed4a1d7658c7;hpb=a22f429b8094d1212ec25f91ed22b90b8e66efc2;p=khome.git diff --git a/home/.xbindkeysrc b/home/.xbindkeysrc index cb65a7d..e8216ec 100644 --- a/home/.xbindkeysrc +++ b/home/.xbindkeysrc @@ -1,27 +1,39 @@ +# (Mod4 is Windows key) + "xbindkeys_show" control+shift + q -# Increase volume +# ----------- +# Volume +# ----------- "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%" XF86AudioRaiseVolume -# Decrease volume "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%" XF86AudioLowerVolume -# Mute "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle" XF86AudioMute -"sudo /home/siraaj/bin/backlight_adjust +5" +# ---------- +# Backlight +# ---------- +"sudo ~/bin/backlight_adjust +5" XF86MonBrightnessUp -"sudo /home/siraaj/bin/backlight_adjust -5" +"sudo ~/bin/backlight_adjust +1" + shift + XF86MonBrightnessUp +"sudo ~/bin/backlight_adjust -5" XF86MonBrightnessDown +"sudo ~/bin/backlight_adjust -1" + shift + XF86MonBrightnessDown # Workaround: XF86MonBrightness(Up|Down) keys stopped working on Librem 15v4 :( -"sudo /home/siraaj/bin/backlight_adjust +5" +"sudo ~/bin/backlight_adjust +5" shift+XF86AudioRaiseVolume -"sudo /home/siraaj/bin/backlight_adjust -5" +"sudo ~/bin/backlight_adjust -5" shift+XF86AudioLowerVolume +# ------------------- +# Screen saver/locker +# ------------------- # mate-screensaver equivalent: "mate-screensaver-command --lock" "xscreensaver-command -activate" XF86ScreenSaver @@ -40,20 +52,19 @@ XF86AudioPlay "mpc stop" XF86AudioStop -"mpc prev" +"mpc prev && notify_mpc" XF86AudioPrev -"mpc next" +"mpc next && notify_mpc" XF86AudioNext # Otherwise use combinations: -# (Mod4 is Windows key) "mpc toggle" - Mod4+Down + Mod4 + Down "mpc stop" - Mod4+Up -"mpc prev" - Mod4+Left -"mpc next" - Mod4+Right + Mod4 + Up +"mpc prev && notify_mpc" + Mod4 + Left +"mpc next && notify_mpc" + Mod4 + Right ## cmus-remote #"cmus-remote --stop" @@ -66,55 +77,129 @@ # XF86AudioNext -# Quick access to in-terminal apps -"st -e htop" - Mod4+h -"st -e ncmpcpp" - Mod4+n -"st -e ranger" - Mod4+r - +# -------------------- # Transparency adjust -"compton-trans 40" +# -------------------- +"picom-trans 40" Mod4 + 4 -"compton-trans 45" +"picom-trans 45" Mod4 + Shift + 4 -"compton-trans 50" +"picom-trans 50" Mod4 + 5 -"compton-trans 55" +"picom-trans 55" Mod4 + Shift + 5 -"compton-trans 60" +"picom-trans 60" Mod4 + 6 -"compton-trans 65" +"picom-trans 65" Mod4 + Shift + 6 -"compton-trans 70" +"picom-trans 70" Mod4 + 7 -"compton-trans 75" +"picom-trans 75" Mod4 + Shift + 7 -"compton-trans 80" +"picom-trans 80" Mod4 + 8 -"compton-trans 85" +"picom-trans 85" Mod4 + Shift + 8 -"compton-trans 90" +"picom-trans 90" Mod4 + 9 -"compton-trans 95" +"picom-trans 95" Mod4 + Shift + 9 -"compton-trans 100" +"picom-trans 100" Mod4 + 0 +# ------------------------ # Screenshot -"screengrab -r" +# ------------------------ +"scrot --freeze --select 'screen--%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S.png' -e 'mv $f ~/arc/img/Screenshots/'" Print +"scrot --select 'screen--%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S.png' -e 'mv $f ~/arc/img/Screenshots/'" + Shift + Print + +# Screencast +"st -c screencast -e ~/bin/screencast" + Control + Print + +# ---------------- +# App launchers +# ---------------- + +"st -e htop" + Mod4 + h +"st -e ncmpcpp" + Mod4 + m +"st -e ranger" + Mod4 + r + # Search mpd lib and play selection "mpplay" - Mod4+p + Mod4 + p # Search video catalog and play selection "video-catalog-play" - Mod4+v + Mod4 + v + +# Editors +"gvim" + Mod4 + e +"emacs" + Mod4 + Shift + e + + +### Edit specific files + +"today.launch.sh" + Mod4 + t + +"cd ~/doc/ideas && gvim ideas.md" + Mod4 + i + +"cd ~/doc/drafts && drafts_prepend && gvim drafts.md" + Mod4 + d + Shift +"cd ~/doc/drafts && gvim $(draft ~/doc/drafts/adhoc)" + Mod4 + d + +"cd ~/doc/notes && notes_prepend && gvim -c NERDTreeFind notes.md" + Mod4 + n + Shift +"cd ~/doc/notes && gvim $(draft ~/doc/notes/adhoc)" + Mod4 + n + +"cd ~/doc/bookmarks && gvim bookmarks.md" + Mod4 + b + +"cd ~/doc/quotations && gvim quotations.md" + Mod4 + q + + +# File browser +"pcmanfm" + Mod4 + f + +# Weather +"notify_weather" + Mod4 + w +"xdg-open 'https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=42.9581&lon=-71.4856'" + Mod4 + Shift + w + +# Calendar +"notify_cal" + Mod4 + c + +# Status +"notify_status" + Mod4 + s + +"notify_time-in-zones" + Mod4 + z + +# MPD +"notify_mpc" + Mod4 + Shift + m -"gvim ~/TODO.md" # .md filetype is already set to activate spell check - alt + shift + t -"gvim -c 'set spell' ~/Documents/Drafts.md" - alt + shift + d +# dunst +"dunstctl close" + control + space +"dunstctl close-all" + control + shift + space +"dunstctl history-pop" + control + grave