#! /usr/bin/awk -f # # Graph a sequence of lines as prev->next relationships, # highlighting frequencies of pairings. # BEGIN {print "digraph {"} { prev = prev ? prev : "--" curr = $0 ++nlinks[prev] ++nlinks_to[prev, curr] prev = curr } END { for (src_dst in nlinks_to) { split(src_dst, sd, SUBSEP); src = sd[1] dst = sd[2] m = nlinks[src] n = nlinks_to[src, dst] penwidth = num_scale(n, m, 1, 9) color = sprintf("/orrd9/%d", num_scale(n, m, 2, 9)) label = sprintf("%s %.2f%%", src, (n / m) * 100) printf \ "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" \ [ label=\"%s\"\ , fontname=monospace \ , fontsize=8 \ , penwidth=%d \ , color=\"%s\" \ , dir=both \ , arrowtail=odot \ ];\n", \ src, dst, label, penwidth, color; } print "}" } function num_scale(src_cur, src_max, dst_min, dst_max) { return dst_min + ((src_cur * (dst_max - dst_min)) / src_max) }