module List = ListLabels module Frame = Tiger_frame module Temp = Tiger_temp module T = Tiger_tree module Level = struct type t = { parent : t option ; name : Temp.Label.t ; formals : bool list ; frame : Frame.t } let init = let name = Temp.Label.gen () in let formals = [] in { parent = None ; name ; formals ; frame = Frame.make ~name ~formals } let next t ~name ~formals = (* Adding the extra parameter for the static link. See p. 142 *) let formals = true :: formals in { parent = Some t ; name ; formals ; frame = Frame.make ~name ~formals } let formals = function {formals; _} -> formals let frame = function {frame; _} -> frame end type gen_stm = (Tiger_temp.Label.t * Tiger_temp.Label.t) -> Tiger_tree.stm type exp = | Ex of Tiger_tree.exp | Nx of Tiger_tree.stm | Cx of gen_stm type access = (* must know about static links *) { level : Level.t ; access : Frame.access } let alloc_local ~level ~escapes = { level ; access = Frame.alloc_local (Level.frame level) ~escapes } let formals ~level = (* FIXME: This seems wrong. Should we call Frame.formals? *) (Level.formals level) ~f:(fun escapes -> alloc_local ~level ~escapes ) let not_implemented func = failwith (Printf.sprintf "Not implemented: %s.%s" __MODULE__ func) let rec seq = function (* TODO: Is appending 0 OK? How else can the empty case be handled? *) | [] -> T.EXP (T.CONST 0) | s :: ss -> T.SEQ (s, seq ss) let cond_stm gen_stm = let t = Temp.Label.gen () in let f = Temp.Label.gen () in let r = Temp.Temp.gen () in let stms = [ T.MOVE (T.TEMP r, T.CONST 1) ; gen_stm (t, f) ; T.LABEL f ; T.MOVE (T.TEMP r, T.CONST 0) ; T.LABEL t ] in (seq stms, T.TEMP r) let unEx = function | Ex exp -> exp | Nx stm -> T.ESEQ (stm, T.CONST 0) | Cx gen -> let stm, exp = cond_stm gen in T.ESEQ (stm, exp) let unNx = function | Ex exp -> T.EXP exp | Nx stm -> stm | Cx gen -> fst (cond_stm gen) let unCx = function (* "should never occur in compiling a well typed Tiger program" p.154 *) | Nx _ -> assert false | Ex e -> fun (_, _) -> T.EXP e (* TODO: Is this right? *) | Cx g -> g let dummy__FIXME = Ex (T.CONST 0) let simple_var {level; access} = let pointer = not_implemented "simple_var frame pointer" in Ex (Frame.exp ~access ~pointer)