module List = ListLabels module Map = Tiger_map module Symbol = Tiger_symbol module Type = Tiger_env_type type t = | Var of {ty : Type.t} | Fun of { formals : Type.t list ; result : Type.t } type env = (Symbol.t, t ) Map.t let built_in = [ ("print" , [Type.String] , Type.Unit ) ; ("flush" , [] , Type.Unit ) ; ("getchar" , [] , Type.String ) ; ("ord" , [Type.String] , Type.Int ) ; ("chr" , [Type.Int] , Type.String ) ; ("size" , [Type.String] , Type.Int ) ; ("substring" , [Type.String; Type.Int; Type.Int] , Type.String ) ; ("concat" , [Type.String; Type.String] , Type.String ) ; ("not" , [Type.Int] , Type.Int ) ; ("exit" , [Type.Int] , Type.Unit ) ] |> ~f:(fun (name, formals, result) -> let key = Symbol.of_string name in let value = Fun {formals; result} in (key, value) ) |> Map.of_list