Type the User uri
[tt.git] / tt.rkt
1 #lang typed/racket/no-check
3 (require openssl/sha1)
4 (require racket/date)
5 (require
6 net/head
7 net/uri-codec
8 net/url)
10 (require (prefix-in info: "info.rkt"))
12 (module+ test
13 (require rackunit))
15 (define-type Url
16 net/url-structs:url)
18 (define-type Out-Format
19 (U 'single-line
20 'multi-line))
22 (define-type Timeline-Order
23 (U 'old->new
24 'new->old))
26 (define-type Result
27 (∀ (α β) (U (cons 'ok α)
28 (cons 'error β))))
30 (struct User
31 ([uri : Url]
32 [nick : (Option String)]))
34 (struct User-Agent
35 ([user : User]
36 [prog : Prog]))
38 (struct Prog
39 ([name : String]
40 [version : String]))
42 (struct Msg
43 ([ts-epoch : Integer]
44 [ts-orig : String]
45 [from : Peer]
46 [text : String]
47 [mentions : (Listof Peer)]))
49 (struct Peer
50 ([nick : (Option String)]
51 [uri : Url]
52 [uri-str : String]
53 [comment : (Option String)])
54 #:transparent)
56 (struct Resp
57 ([status-line : String]
58 [headers : (Listof Bytes)]
59 [body-input : Input-Port])
60 #:transparent)
62 (: prog Prog)
63 (define prog
64 (Prog "tt" (info:#%info-lookup 'version)))
66 (: user-default User)
67 (define user-default
68 (User (string->url "https://github.com/xandkar/tt") #f))
70 (: user->str (-> User String))
71 (define (user->str user)
72 (match-define (User u0 n) user)
73 (define u (url->string u0))
74 (if n
75 (format "+~a; @~a" u n)
76 (format "+~a" u )))
78 (: user-agent->str (-> User-Agent String))
79 (define (user-agent->str ua)
80 (match-define (User-Agent u p) ua)
81 (format "~a/~a (~a)" (Prog-name p) (Prog-version p) (user->str u)))
83 (: user->user-agent User)
84 (define (user->user-agent user)
85 (User-Agent user prog))
87 (: user-agent-str String)
88 (define user-agent-str
89 (user-agent->str (user->user-agent user-default)))
91 (: set-user-agent-str (-> Path-String Void))
92 (define (set-user-agent-str filename)
93 (set! user-agent-str (user-agent->str (user->user-agent (file->user filename))))
94 (log-info "User-Agent string is now set to: ~v" user-agent-str))
96 (: file->user (-> Path-String User))
97 (define (file->user filename)
98 (if (file-exists? filename)
99 (match (set->list (file->peers filename))
100 [(list p)
101 (log-info
102 "User-Agent. Found one peer in file: ~v. Using the found peer: ~a"
103 filename
104 (peer->str p))
105 (peer->user p)]
106 [(list* p _)
107 (log-warning
108 "User-Agent. Multiple peers in file: ~v. Picking arbitrary: ~a"
109 filename
110 (peer->str p))
111 (peer->user p)]
112 ['()
113 (log-warning
114 "User-Agent. No peers found in file: ~v. Using the default user: ~a"
115 filename
116 user-default)
117 user-default])
118 (begin
119 (log-warning
120 "User-Agent. File doesn't exist: ~v. Using the default user: ~a"
121 filename
122 user-default)
123 user-default)))
125 (: peer->user (-> Peer User))
126 (define (peer->user p)
127 (match-define (Peer n u _ _) p)
128 (User u n))
130 (: peers-equal? (-> Peer Peer Boolean))
131 (define (peers-equal? p1 p2)
132 (equal? (Peer-uri-str p1)
133 (Peer-uri-str p2)))
135 (: peer-hash (-> Peer Fixnum))
136 (define (peer-hash p)
137 (equal-hash-code (Peer-uri-str p)))
139 (define-custom-set-types peers
140 #:elem? Peer?
141 peers-equal?
142 peer-hash)
143 ; XXX Without supplying above explicit hash procedure, we INTERMITTENTLY get
144 ; the following contract violations:
145 ;
146 ; custom-elem-contents: contract violation
147 ; expected: custom-elem?
148 ; given: #f
149 ; context...:
150 ; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/private/set-types.rkt:104:0: custom-set->list
151 ; /home/siraaj/proj/pub/tt/tt.rkt:716:0: crawl
152 ; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/cmdline.rkt:191:51
153 ; body of (submod "/home/siraaj/proj/pub/tt/tt.rkt" main)
154 ;
155 ; TODO Investigate why and make a minimal reproducible test case.
157 (define (peers-union . peer-sets)
158 (define groups
159 (foldl
160 (λ (p groups)
161 (hash-update groups (Peer-uri-str p) (λ (group) (cons p group)) '()))
162 (hash)
163 (append* (map set->list peer-sets))))
164 (define (merge peers)
165 (match peers
166 ['() (raise 'impossible)]
167 [(list p) p]
168 [(list* p1 p2 ps)
169 (let* ([n1 (Peer-nick p1)]
170 [n2 (Peer-nick p2)]
171 [p (cond
172 [(and (not n1) (not n2)) p1]
173 [(and n1 n2 ) p1]
174 [(and n1 (not n2)) p1]
175 [(and (not n1) n2) p2]
176 [else
177 (raise 'impossible)])])
178 (merge (cons p ps)))]))
179 (make-immutable-peers (map merge (hash-values groups))))
181 (module+ test
182 (let* ([u1 "http://foo/bar"]
183 [u2 "http://baz/quux"]
184 [p1 (Peer #f (string->url u1) u1 #f)]
185 [p2 (Peer "a" (string->url u1) u1 #f)]
186 [p3 (Peer "b" (string->url u2) u2 #f)]
187 [s1 (make-immutable-peers (list p1))]
188 [s2 (make-immutable-peers (list p2 p3))])
189 (check-true (peers? (peers-union s1 s2)))
190 (check-true (peers? (peers-union s2 s1)))
191 (check-equal? (list p3 p2) (set->list (peers-union s1 s2)))
192 (check-equal? (list p3 p2) (set->list (peers-union s2 s1)))))
194 (: tt-home-dir Path-String)
195 (define tt-home-dir (build-path (expand-user-path "~") ".tt"))
197 (: concurrent-filter-map (∀ (α β) (-> Natural (-> α β) (Listof α) (Listof β))))
198 (define (concurrent-filter-map num-workers f xs)
199 ; TODO preserve order of elements OR communicate that reorder is expected
200 ; TODO switch from mailboxes to channels
201 (define (make-worker id f)
202 (define parent (current-thread))
203 (λ ()
204 (define self : Thread (current-thread))
205 (: work (∀ (α) (-> α)))
206 (define (work)
207 (thread-send parent (cons 'next self))
208 (match (thread-receive)
209 ['done (thread-send parent (cons 'exit id))]
210 [(cons 'unit x) (begin
211 (define y (f x))
212 (when y (thread-send parent (cons 'result y)))
213 (work))]))
214 (work)))
215 (: dispatch (∀ (α β) (-> (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) (Listof α) (Listof β))))
216 (define (dispatch ws xs ys)
217 (if (empty? ws)
218 ys
219 (match (thread-receive)
220 [(cons 'exit w) (dispatch (remove w ws =) xs ys)]
221 [(cons 'result y) (dispatch ws xs (cons y ys))]
222 [(cons 'next thd) (match xs
223 ['() (begin
224 (thread-send thd 'done)
225 (dispatch ws xs ys))]
226 [(cons x xs) (begin
227 (thread-send thd (cons 'unit x))
228 (dispatch ws xs ys))])])))
229 (define workers (range num-workers))
230 (define threads (map (λ (id) (thread (make-worker id f))) workers))
231 (define results (dispatch workers xs '()))
232 (for-each thread-wait threads)
233 results)
235 (module+ test
236 (let* ([f (λ (x) (if (even? x) x #f))]
237 [xs (range 11)]
238 [actual (sort (concurrent-filter-map 10 f xs) <)]
239 [expected (sort ( filter-map f xs) <)])
240 (check-equal? actual expected "concurrent-filter-map")))
242 (: msg-print (-> Out-Format Integer Msg Void))
243 (define msg-print
244 (let* ([colors (vector 36 33)]
245 [n (vector-length colors)])
246 (λ (out-format color-i msg)
247 (let ([color (vector-ref colors (modulo color-i n))]
248 [nick (Peer-nick (Msg-from msg))]
249 [uri (Peer-uri-str (Msg-from msg))]
250 [text (Msg-text msg)])
251 (match out-format
252 ['single-line
253 (let ([nick (if nick nick uri)])
254 (printf "~a \033[1;37m<~a>\033[0m \033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n"
255 (parameterize
256 ([date-display-format 'iso-8601])
257 (date->string (seconds->date (Msg-ts-epoch msg)) #t))
258 nick color text))]
259 ['multi-line
260 (let ([nick (if nick (string-append nick " ") "")])
261 (printf "~a (~a)~n\033[1;37m<~a~a>\033[0m~n\033[0;~am~a\033[0m~n~n"
262 (parameterize
263 ([date-display-format 'rfc2822])
264 (date->string (seconds->date (Msg-ts-epoch msg)) #t))
265 (Msg-ts-orig msg)
266 nick uri color text))])))))
268 (: rfc3339->epoch (-> String (Option Nonnegative-Integer)))
269 (define rfc3339->epoch
270 (let ([re (pregexp "^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2}))?(\\.[0-9]+)?(Z|([+-])([0-9]{1,2}):?([0-9]{2}))?$")])
271 (λ (ts)
272 (match (regexp-match re ts)
273 [(list _wholething yyyy mm dd HH MM _:SS SS _fractional tz-whole tz-sign tz-HH tz-MM)
274 (let*
275 ([tz-offset
276 (match* (tz-whole tz-sign tz-HH tz-MM)
277 [("Z" #f #f #f)
278 0]
279 [(_ (or "-" "+") (? identity h) (? identity m))
280 (let ([h (string->number h)]
281 [m (string->number m)]
282 ; Reverse to get back to UTC:
283 [op (match tz-sign ["+" -] ["-" +])])
284 (op 0 (+ (* 60 m) (* 60 (* 60 h)))))]
285 [(a b c d)
286 (log-warning "Impossible TZ string: ~v, components: ~v ~v ~v ~v" tz-whole a b c d)
287 0])]
288 [ts-orig ts]
289 [local-time? #f]
290 [ts-epoch (find-seconds (if SS (string->number SS) 0)
291 (string->number MM)
292 (string->number HH)
293 (string->number dd)
294 (string->number mm)
295 (string->number yyyy)
296 local-time?)])
297 (+ ts-epoch tz-offset))]
298 [_
299 (log-debug "Invalid timestamp: ~v" ts)
300 #f]))))
302 (: str->msg (-> Peer String (Option Msg)))
303 (define str->msg
304 (let ([re (pregexp "^([^\\s\t]+)[\\s\t]+(.*)$")])
305 (λ (from str)
306 (define from-str (peer->str from))
307 (define str-head (substring str 0 (min 100 (string-length str))))
308 (with-handlers*
309 ([exn:fail?
310 (λ (e)
311 (log-debug
312 "Failed to parse msg: ~v, from: ~v, at: ~v, because: ~v"
313 str-head from-str e)
314 #f)])
315 (match (regexp-match re str)
316 [(list _wholething ts-orig text)
317 (let ([ts-epoch (rfc3339->epoch ts-orig)])
318 (if ts-epoch
319 (let ([mentions
320 (filter-map
321 (λ (m) (match (regexp-match #px"@<([^>]+)>" m)
322 [(list _wholething nick-uri)
323 (str->peer nick-uri)]))
324 (regexp-match* #px"@<[^\\s]+([\\s]+)?[^>]+>" text))])
325 (Msg ts-epoch ts-orig from text mentions))
326 (begin
327 (log-debug
328 "Msg rejected due to invalid timestamp. From:~v. Line:~v"
329 from-str str-head)
330 #f)))]
331 [_
332 (log-debug "Non-msg line. From:~v. Line:~v" from-str str-head)
333 #f])))))
335 (module+ test
336 ; TODO Test for when missing-nick case
337 (let* ([tzs (for*/list ([d '("-" "+")]
338 [h '("5" "05")]
339 [m '("00" ":00" "57" ":57")])
340 (string-append d h m))]
341 [tzs (list* "" "Z" tzs)])
342 (for* ([n '("fake-nick")]
343 [u '("http://fake-uri")]
344 [p (list (Peer n (string->url u) u #f))]
345 [s '("" ":10")]
346 [f '("" ".1337")]
347 [z tzs]
348 [sep (list "\t" " ")]
349 [txt '("foo bar baz" "'jaz poop bear giraffe / tea" "@*\"``")])
350 (let* ([ts (string-append "2020-11-18T22:22"
351 (if (non-empty-string? s) s ":00")
352 z)]
353 [m (str->msg p (string-append ts sep txt))])
354 (check-not-false m)
355 (check-equal? (Msg-from m) p)
356 (check-equal? (Msg-text m) txt)
357 (check-equal? (Msg-ts-orig m) ts (format "Given: ~v" ts))
358 )))
360 (let* ([ts "2020-11-18T22:22:09-0500"]
361 [tab " "]
362 [text "Lorem ipsum"]
363 [nick "foo"]
364 [uri "http://bar/"]
365 [peer (Peer nick (string->url uri) uri #f)]
366 [actual (str->msg peer (string-append ts tab text))]
367 [expected (Msg 1605756129 ts peer text '())])
368 (check-equal?
369 (Msg-ts-epoch actual)
370 (Msg-ts-epoch expected)
371 "str->msg ts-epoch")
372 (check-equal?
373 (Msg-ts-orig actual)
374 (Msg-ts-orig expected)
375 "str->msg ts-orig")
376 (check-equal?
377 (Peer-nick (Msg-from actual))
378 (Peer-nick (Msg-from expected))
379 "str->msg nick")
380 (check-equal?
381 (Peer-uri (Msg-from actual))
382 (Peer-uri (Msg-from expected))
383 "str->msg uri")
384 (check-equal?
385 (Peer-uri-str (Msg-from actual))
386 (Peer-uri-str (Msg-from expected))
387 "str->msg uri-str")
388 (check-equal?
389 (Msg-text actual)
390 (Msg-text expected)
391 "str->msg text")))
393 (: str->lines (-> String (Listof String)))
394 (define (str->lines str)
395 (string-split str (regexp "[\r\n]+")))
397 (module+ test
398 (check-equal? (str->lines "abc\ndef\n\nghi") '("abc" "def" "ghi")))
400 (: str->msgs (-> Peer String (Listof Msg)))
401 (define (str->msgs peer str)
402 (filter-map (λ (line) (str->msg peer line))
403 (filter-comments (str->lines str))))
405 (: cache-dir Path-String)
406 (define cache-dir (build-path tt-home-dir "cache"))
408 (define cache-object-dir (build-path cache-dir "objects"))
410 (: url->cache-file-path-v1 (-> Url Path-String))
411 (define (url->cache-file-path-v1 uri)
412 (define (hash-sha1 str) : (-> String String)
413 (define in (open-input-string str))
414 (define digest (sha1 in))
415 (close-input-port in)
416 digest)
417 (build-path cache-object-dir (hash-sha1 (url->string uri))))
419 (: url->cache-file-path-v2 (-> Url Path-String))
420 (define (url->cache-file-path-v2 uri)
421 (build-path cache-object-dir (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
423 (define url->cache-object-path
424 url->cache-file-path-v2)
426 (define (url->cache-etag-path uri)
427 (build-path cache-dir "etags" (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
429 (define (url->cache-lmod-path uri)
430 (build-path cache-dir "lmods" (uri-encode (url->string uri))))
432 (: uri-read-cached (-> Url (Option String)))
433 (define (uri-read-cached uri)
434 (define path-v1 (url->cache-file-path-v1 uri))
435 (define path-v2 (url->cache-file-path-v2 uri))
436 (when (file-exists? path-v1)
437 (rename-file-or-directory path-v1 path-v2 #t))
438 (if (file-exists? path-v2)
439 (file->string path-v2)
440 (begin
441 (log-debug "Cache file not found for URI: ~a" (url->string uri))
442 #f)))
444 (: str->url (-> String (Option String)))
445 (define (str->url s)
446 (with-handlers*
447 ([exn:fail? (λ (e) #f)])
448 (string->url s)))
450 (: peer->str (-> Peer String))
451 (define (peer->str peer)
452 (match-define (Peer n _ u c) peer)
453 (format "~a~a~a"
454 (if n (format "~a " n) "")
455 u
456 (if c (format " # ~a" c) "")))
458 (: str->peer (-> String (Option Peer)))
459 (define (str->peer str)
460 (log-debug "Parsing peer string: ~v" str)
461 (match
462 (regexp-match
463 #px"(([^\\s\t]+)[\\s\t]+)?([a-zA-Z]+://[^\\s\t]*)[\\s\t]*(#\\s*(.*))?"
464 str)
465 [(list _wholething
466 _nick-with-space
467 nick
468 url
469 _comment-with-hash
470 comment)
471 (match (str->url url)
472 [#f
473 (log-error "Invalid URI in peer string: ~v" str)
474 #f]
475 [url
476 (Peer nick url (url->string url) comment)])]
477 [_
478 (log-debug "Invalid peer string: ~v" str)
479 #f]))
481 (module+ test
482 (check-equal?
483 (str->peer "foo http://bar/file.txt # some rando")
484 (Peer "foo" (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" "some rando"))
485 (check-equal?
486 (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt # some rando")
487 (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" "some rando"))
488 (check-equal?
489 (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt #")
490 (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" ""))
491 (check-equal?
492 (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt#") ; XXX URLs can have #s
493 (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt#") "http://bar/file.txt#" #f))
494 (check-equal?
495 (str->peer "http://bar/file.txt")
496 (Peer #f (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" #f))
497 (check-equal?
498 (str->peer "foo http://bar/file.txt")
499 (Peer "foo" (str->url "http://bar/file.txt") "http://bar/file.txt" #f))
500 (check-equal?
501 (str->peer "foo bar # baz")
502 #f)
503 (check-equal?
504 (str->peer "foo bar://baz # quux")
505 (Peer "foo" (str->url "bar://baz") "bar://baz" "quux"))
506 (check-equal?
507 (str->peer "foo bar//baz # quux")
508 #f))
510 (: filter-comments (-> (Listof String) (Listof String)))
511 (define (filter-comments lines)
512 (filter-not (λ (line) (string-prefix? line "#")) lines))
514 (: str->peers (-> String (Setof Peer)))
515 (define (str->peers str)
516 (make-immutable-peers (filter-map str->peer (filter-comments (str->lines str)))))
518 (: peers->file (-> (Setof Peers) Path-String Void))
519 (define (peers->file peers path)
520 (display-lines-to-file
521 (map peer->str
522 (sort (set->list peers)
523 (match-lambda**
524 [((Peer n1 _ _ _) (Peer n2 _ _ _))
525 (string<? (if n1 n1 "")
526 (if n2 n2 ""))])))
527 path
528 #:exists 'replace))
530 (: file->peers (-> Path-String (Setof Peer)))
531 (define (file->peers file-path)
532 (if (file-exists? file-path)
533 (str->peers (file->string file-path))
534 (begin
535 (log-warning "File does not exist: ~v" (path->string file-path))
536 (make-immutable-peers))))
538 (define re-rfc2822
539 #px"^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), ([0-9]{2}) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-2][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]) GMT")
541 (: b->n (-> Bytes (Option Number)))
542 (define (b->n b)
543 (string->number (bytes->string/utf-8 b)))
545 (: mon->num (-> Bytes Natural))
546 (define/match (mon->num mon)
547 [(#"Jan") 1]
548 [(#"Feb") 2]
549 [(#"Mar") 3]
550 [(#"Apr") 4]
551 [(#"May") 5]
552 [(#"Jun") 6]
553 [(#"Jul") 7]
554 [(#"Aug") 8]
555 [(#"Sep") 9]
556 [(#"Oct") 10]
557 [(#"Nov") 11]
558 [(#"Dec") 12])
560 (: rfc2822->epoch (-> Bytes (Option Nonnegative-Integer)))
561 (define (rfc2822->epoch timestamp)
562 (match (regexp-match re-rfc2822 timestamp)
563 [(list _ _ dd mo yyyy HH MM SS)
564 #:when (and dd mo yyyy HH MM SS)
565 (find-seconds (b->n SS)
566 (b->n MM)
567 (b->n HH)
568 (b->n dd)
569 (mon->num mo)
570 (b->n yyyy)
571 #f)]
572 [_
573 #f]))
575 (: header-get (-> (Listof Bytes) Bytes (Option Bytes)))
576 (define (header-get headers name)
577 (match (filter-map (curry extract-field name) headers)
578 [(list val) val]
579 [_ #f]))
581 (: uri-download-from-port
582 (-> Url (Listof (U Bytes String)) Input-Port
583 (U 'skipped-cached 'downloaded-new))) ; TODO 'ok|'error ?
584 (define (uri-download-from-port u headers body-input)
585 (define u-str (url->string u))
586 (log-debug "uri-download-from-port ~v into ~v" u-str cached-object-path)
587 (define cached-object-path (url->cache-object-path u))
588 (define cached-etag-path (url->cache-etag-path u))
589 (define cached-lmod-path (url->cache-lmod-path u))
590 (define etag (header-get headers #"ETag"))
591 (define lmod (header-get headers #"Last-Modified"))
592 (define lmod-curr (if lmod (rfc2822->epoch lmod) #f))
593 (define lmod-prev (if (file-exists? cached-lmod-path)
594 (rfc2822->epoch (file->bytes cached-lmod-path))
595 #f))
596 (log-debug "lmod-curr:~v lmod-prev:~v" lmod-curr lmod-prev)
597 (define cached?
598 (or (and etag
599 (file-exists? cached-etag-path)
600 (bytes=? etag (file->bytes cached-etag-path))
601 (begin
602 (log-debug "ETags match, skipping the rest of ~v" u-str)
603 #t))
604 (and lmod-curr
605 lmod-prev
606 (<= lmod-curr lmod-prev)
607 (begin
608 (log-debug "Last-Modified <= current skipping the rest of ~v" u-str)
609 #t))))
610 (if (not cached?)
611 (begin
612 (log-debug
613 "Downloading the rest of ~v. ETag: ~a, Last-Modified: ~v"
614 u-str etag lmod)
615 (make-parent-directory* cached-object-path)
616 (make-parent-directory* cached-etag-path)
617 (make-parent-directory* cached-lmod-path)
618 (call-with-output-file cached-object-path
619 (curry copy-port body-input)
620 #:exists 'replace)
621 (when etag
622 (display-to-file etag cached-etag-path #:exists 'replace))
623 (when lmod
624 (display-to-file lmod cached-lmod-path #:exists 'replace))
625 'downloaded-new)
626 'skipped-cached))
628 (: uri-download
629 (-> Positive-Float Url
630 (Result (U 'skipped-cached 'downloaded-new)
631 Any))) ; TODO Maybe more-precise error type?
632 (define (uri-download timeout u)
633 (define u-str (url->string u))
634 (define timeout-chan (make-channel))
635 (define result-chan (make-channel))
636 (define timeout-thread
637 (thread (λ ()
638 ; Doing this instead of sync/timeout to distinguish error values,
639 ; rather than just have #f to work with.
640 (sleep timeout)
641 (channel-put timeout-chan '(error . timeout)))))
642 (define result-thread
643 (thread (λ ()
644 ; XXX We timeout getting a response, but body download could
645 ; also take a long time and we might want to time that out as
646 ; well, but then we may end-up with partially downloaded
647 ; objects. But that could happen anyway if the server drops the
648 ; connection for whatever reason.
649 ;
650 ; Maybe that is OK once we start treating the
651 ; downloaded object as an addition to the stored set of
652 ; messages, rather than the final set of messages.
654 ; TODO message db
655 ; - 1st try can just be an in-memory set that gets written-to
656 ; and read-from disk as a whole.
657 (define result
658 (with-handlers
659 ; TODO Maybe name each known errno? (exn:fail:network:errno-errno e)
660 ([exn:fail:network?
661 (λ (e) `(error . (net-error . ,e)))]
662 [exn?
663 (λ (e) `(error . (other . ,e)))])
664 (define-values (status-line headers body-input)
665 (http-sendrecv/url
666 u
667 #:headers (list (format "User-Agent: ~a" user-agent-str))))
668 `(ok . ,(Resp status-line headers body-input))))
669 (channel-put result-chan result))))
670 (define result
671 (sync timeout-chan
672 result-chan))
673 (kill-thread result-thread)
674 (kill-thread timeout-thread)
675 (match result
676 [(cons 'error _)
677 result]
678 [(cons 'ok (Resp status-line headers body-input))
679 (log-debug "headers: ~v" headers)
680 (log-debug "status-line: ~v" status-line)
681 (define status
682 (string->number (second (string-split (bytes->string/utf-8 status-line)))))
683 (log-debug "status: ~v" status)
684 ; TODO Handle redirects. Should be within same timeout as req and body.
685 (let ([result
686 (match status
687 [200
688 `(ok . ,(uri-download-from-port u headers body-input))]
689 [_
690 `(error . (http . ,status))])])
691 (close-input-port body-input)
692 result)]))
694 (: timeline-print (-> Out-Format (Listof Msg) Void))
695 (define (timeline-print out-format timeline)
696 (match timeline
697 ['()
698 (void)]
699 [(cons first-msg _)
700 (void (foldl (match-lambda**
701 [((and m (Msg _ _ from _ _)) (cons prev-from i))
702 (let ([i (if (peers-equal? prev-from from) i (+ 1 i))])
703 (msg-print out-format i m)
704 (cons from i))])
705 (cons (Msg-from first-msg) 0)
706 timeline))]))
708 (: peer->msgs (-> Peer (Listof Msg)))
709 (define (peer->msgs peer)
710 (match-define (Peer nick uri uri-str _) peer)
711 (log-debug "Reading peer nick:~v uri:~v" nick uri-str)
712 (define msgs-data (uri-read-cached uri))
713 ; TODO Expire cache
714 (if msgs-data
715 (str->msgs peer msgs-data)
716 '()))
718 (: peer-download
719 (-> Positive-Float Peer
720 (Result (U 'skipped-cached 'downloaded-new)
721 Any)))
722 (define (peer-download timeout peer)
723 (match-define (Peer nick uri u _) peer)
724 (log-info "Download BEGIN URL:~a" u)
725 (define-values (results _tm-cpu-ms tm-real-ms _tm-gc-ms)
726 (time-apply uri-download (list timeout uri)))
727 (define result (car results))
728 (log-info "Download END in ~a seconds, URL:~a, result:~s"
729 (/ tm-real-ms 1000.0)
730 u
731 result)
732 result)
734 (: timeline-download (-> Integer Positive-Float (Setof Peer) Void))
735 (define (timeline-download num-workers timeout peers)
736 (define results
737 (concurrent-filter-map num-workers
738 (λ (p) (cons p (peer-download timeout p)))
739 (set->list peers)))
740 (define peers-ok
741 (filter-map (match-lambda
742 [(cons p (cons 'ok _)) p]
743 [(cons _ (cons 'error e)) #f])
744 results))
745 (define peers-err
746 (filter-map (match-lambda
747 [(cons _ (cons 'ok _))
748 #f]
749 [(cons p (cons 'error e))
750 (struct-copy Peer p [comment (format "~s" e)])])
751 results))
752 (peers->file peers-ok (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-last-downloaded-ok"))
753 (peers->file peers-err (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-last-downloaded-err")))
755 (: peers->timeline (-> (Setof Peer) (Listof Msg)))
756 (define (peers->timeline peers)
757 (append* (filter-map peer->msgs (set->list peers))))
759 (: timeline-sort (-> (Listof Msg) timeline-order (Listof Msgs)))
760 (define (timeline-sort msgs order)
761 (define cmp (match order
762 ['old->new <]
763 ['new->old >]))
764 (sort msgs (λ (a b) (cmp (Msg-ts-epoch a)
765 (Msg-ts-epoch b)))))
767 (: paths->peers (-> (Listof String) (Setof Peer)))
768 (define (paths->peers paths)
769 (let* ([paths (match paths
770 ['()
771 (let ([peer-refs-file (build-path tt-home-dir "peers")])
772 (log-debug
773 "No peer ref file paths provided, defaulting to ~v"
774 (path->string peer-refs-file))
775 (list peer-refs-file))]
776 [paths
777 (log-debug "Peer ref file paths provided: ~v" paths)
778 (map string->path paths)])]
779 [peers (apply peers-union (map file->peers paths))])
780 (log-info "Read-in ~a peers." (set-count peers))
781 peers))
783 (: cache-filename->peer (-> Path-String (Option Peer)))
784 (define (cache-filename->peer filename)
785 (define nick #f) ; TODO Look it up in the nick-db when it exists.
786 (define url-str (uri-decode (path->string filename))) ; TODO Can these crash?
787 (match (str->url url-str)
788 [#f #f]
789 [url (Peer nick url url-str #f)]))
791 (: peers-cached (-> (Setof Peer)))
792 (define (peers-cached)
793 ; TODO Expire cache?
794 (make-immutable-peers
795 (filter-map cache-filename->peer
796 (directory-list cache-object-dir))))
798 (: peers-mentioned (-> (Listof Msg) (Setof Peer)))
799 (define (peers-mentioned msgs)
800 (make-immutable-peers (append* (map Msg-mentions msgs))))
802 (: log-writer-stop (-> Thread Void))
803 (define (log-writer-stop log-writer)
804 (log-message (current-logger) 'fatal 'stop "Exiting." #f)
805 (thread-wait log-writer))
807 (: log-writer-start (-> Log-Level Thread))
808 (define (log-writer-start level)
809 (let* ([logger
810 (make-logger #f #f level #f)]
811 [log-receiver
812 (make-log-receiver logger level)]
813 [log-writer
814 (thread
815 (λ ()
816 (parameterize
817 ([date-display-format 'iso-8601])
818 (let loop ()
819 (match-define (vector level msg _ topic) (sync log-receiver))
820 (unless (equal? topic 'stop)
821 (eprintf "~a [~a] ~a~n" (date->string (current-date) #t) level msg)
822 (loop))))))])
823 (current-logger logger)
824 log-writer))
826 (: crawl (-> Void))
827 (define (crawl)
828 (let* ([peers-all-file
829 (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-all")]
830 [peers-mentioned-file
831 (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-mentioned")]
832 [peers-parsed-file
833 (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-parsed")]
834 [peers-cached-file
835 (build-path tt-home-dir "peers-cached")]
836 [peers-cached
837 (peers-cached)]
838 [cached-timeline
839 (peers->timeline peers-cached)]
840 [peers-mentioned-curr
841 (peers-mentioned cached-timeline)]
842 [peers-mentioned-prev
843 (file->peers peers-mentioned-file)]
844 [peers-mentioned
845 (peers-union peers-mentioned-prev
846 peers-mentioned-curr)]
847 [peers-all-prev
848 (file->peers peers-all-file)]
849 [peers-all
850 (peers-union peers-mentioned
851 peers-all-prev
852 peers-cached)]
853 [peers-discovered
854 (set-subtract peers-all
855 peers-all-prev)]
856 [peers-parsed
857 (for/set ([p peers-all] #:when (> (length (peer->msgs p)) 0)) p)])
858 ; TODO Deeper de-duping
859 (log-info "Known peers cached ~a" (set-count peers-cached))
860 (log-info "Known peers mentioned: ~a" (set-count peers-mentioned))
861 (log-info "Known peers parsed ~a" (set-count peers-parsed))
862 (log-info "Known peers total: ~a" (set-count peers-all))
863 (log-info "Discovered ~a new peers:~n~a"
864 (set-count peers-discovered)
865 (pretty-format (map
866 (match-lambda
867 [(Peer n _ u c) (list n u c)])
868 (set->list peers-discovered))))
869 (peers->file peers-cached
870 peers-cached-file)
871 (peers->file peers-mentioned
872 peers-mentioned-file)
873 (peers->file peers-parsed
874 peers-parsed-file)
875 (peers->file peers-all
876 peers-all-file)))
878 (: read (-> (Listof String) Number Number Timeline-Order Out-Format Void))
879 (define (read file-paths ts-min ts-max order out-format)
880 (let* ([peers
881 (paths->peers file-paths)]
882 [msgs
883 (timeline-sort (peers->timeline peers) order)]
884 [include?
885 (λ (m)
886 (and (or (not ts-min) (>= (Msg-ts-epoch m) ts-min))
887 (or (not ts-max) (<= (Msg-ts-epoch m) ts-max))))])
888 (timeline-print out-format (filter include? msgs))))
890 (: upload (-> Void))
891 (define (upload)
892 ; FIXME Should not exit from here, but only after cleanup/logger-stoppage.
893 (if (system (path->string (build-path tt-home-dir "hooks" "upload")))
894 (exit 0)
895 (exit 1)))
897 (: download (-> (Listof String) Positive-Integer Positive-Float Void))
898 (define (download file-paths num-workers timeout)
899 (let ([peers (paths->peers file-paths)])
900 (define-values (_res _cpu real-ms _gc)
901 (time-apply timeline-download (list num-workers timeout peers)))
902 (log-info "Downloaded timelines from ~a peers in ~a seconds."
903 (set-count peers)
904 (/ real-ms 1000.0))))
906 (: dispatch (-> String Void))
907 (define (dispatch command)
908 (match command
909 [(or "d" "download")
910 ; Initially, 15 was fastest out of the tried: 1, 5, 10, 20. Then I
911 ; started noticing significant slowdowns. Reducing to 5 seems to help.
912 (let ([num-workers 5]
913 [timeout 10.0])
914 (command-line
915 #:program "tt download"
916 #:once-each
917 [("-j" "--jobs")
918 njobs "Number of concurrent jobs."
919 (set! num-workers (string->number njobs))]
920 [("-t" "--timeout")
921 seconds "Timeout seconds per request."
922 (set! timeout (string->number seconds))]
923 #:args file-paths
924 (download file-paths num-workers timeout)))]
925 [(or "u" "upload")
926 (command-line
927 #:program "tt upload" #:args () (upload))]
928 [(or "r" "read")
929 (let ([out-format 'multi-line]
930 [order 'old->new]
931 [ts-min #f]
932 [ts-max #f])
933 (command-line
934 #:program "tt read"
935 #:once-each
936 [("-r" "--rev")
937 "Reverse displayed timeline order."
938 (set! order 'new->old)]
939 [("-m" "--min")
940 m "Earliest time to display (ignore anything before it)."
941 (set! ts-min (rfc3339->epoch m))]
942 [("-x" "--max")
943 x "Latest time to display (ignore anything after it)."
944 (set! ts-max (rfc3339->epoch x))]
945 #:once-any
946 [("-s" "--short")
947 "Short output format"
948 (set! out-format 'single-line)]
949 [("-l" "--long")
950 "Long output format"
951 (set! out-format 'multi-line)]
952 #:args file-paths
953 (read file-paths ts-min ts-max order out-format)))]
954 [(or "c" "crawl")
955 (command-line
956 #:program "tt crawl" #:args () (crawl))]
957 [command
958 (eprintf "Error: invalid command: ~v\n" command)
959 (eprintf "Please use the \"--help\" option to see a list of available commands.\n")
960 (exit 1)]))
962 (module+ main
963 (let ([log-level 'info])
964 (command-line
965 #:program
966 "tt"
967 #:once-each
968 [("-d" "--debug")
969 "Enable debug log level."
970 (set! log-level 'debug)]
971 #:help-labels
972 ""
973 "and <command> is one of"
974 "r, read : Read the timeline (offline operation)."
975 "d, download : Download the timeline."
976 ; TODO Add path dynamically
977 "u, upload : Upload your twtxt file (alias to execute ~/.tt/hooks/upload)."
978 "c, crawl : Discover new peers mentioned by known peers (offline operation)."
979 ""
980 #:args (command . args)
981 (define log-writer (log-writer-start log-level))
982 (current-command-line-arguments (list->vector args))
983 (set-user-agent-str (build-path tt-home-dir "me"))
984 ; TODO dispatch should return status with which we should exit after cleanups
985 (dispatch command)
986 (log-writer-stop log-writer))))
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