[tiger.ml.git] / tiger_tests.ml
1 (*
2 * code |> pass_a_exe |> pass_a_out |> ... |> pass_z_exe |> pass_z_out
3 *
4 * pass a:
5 * exe: OK
6 * out: n/a
7 * pass b:
8 * exe: OK
9 * out: OK
10 * pass c:
11 * exe: OK
12 * out: ERROR
13 * ...
14 *
15 * name | pass a | ... | pass z
16 * ---------+--------+-----+--------
17 * exe foo | OK | ... | OK
18 * out foo | OK | ... | ERROR
19 *
20 * *)
22 open Printf
24 module List = ListLabels
25 module String = StringLabels
27 module Option : sig
28 type 'a t = 'a option
30 val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
31 end = struct
32 type 'a t = 'a option
34 let map t f =
35 match t with
36 | None -> None
37 | Some x -> Some (f x)
38 end
40 module Test : sig
41 type t
43 val case
44 : ?out_lexing : Tiger.Parser.token list
45 -> ?out_parsing : Tiger.Absyn.t
46 -> code : string
47 -> string
48 -> t
50 val run : t list -> unit
51 end = struct
52 type t =
53 { name : string
54 ; code : string
55 ; out_lexing : (Tiger.Parser.token list) option
56 ; out_parsing : Tiger.Absyn.t option
57 }
59 type color =
60 | Red
61 | Yellow
62 | Green
65 let color_to_ansi_code = function
66 | Red -> "\027[0;31m"
67 | Yellow -> "\027[0;33m"
68 | Green -> "\027[0;32m"
70 let color color string =
71 let color_on = color_to_ansi_code color in
72 let color_off = "\027[0m" in
73 sprintf "%s%s%s" color_on string color_off
75 let case ?(out_lexing) ?(out_parsing) ~code name =
76 { name
77 ; code
78 ; out_lexing
79 ; out_parsing
80 }
82 let bar_sep = String.make 80 '-'
83 let bar_end = String.make 80 '='
85 let indent =
86 let unit_spaces = 2 in
87 fun n ->
88 String.make (n * unit_spaces) ' '
90 let pass_lexing code : (Tiger.Parser.token list, string) result =
91 let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string code in
92 let rec tokens () =
93 let token = Tiger.Lexer.token lexbuf in
94 (* Avoiding fragile pattern-matching *)
95 if token = Tiger.Parser.EOF then [] else token :: tokens ()
96 in
97 match tokens () with
98 | exception e -> Error (Printexc.to_string e)
99 | tokens -> Ok tokens
101 let pass_parsing code =
102 let lb = Lexing.from_string code in
103 match Tiger.Parser.program Tiger.Lexer.token lb with
104 | exception Parsing.Parse_error ->
105 let module L = Lexing in
106 let L.({lex_curr_p = {pos_lnum=l; pos_bol=b; pos_cnum=c; _}; _}) = lb in
107 let msg = sprintf "Syntax error around line: %d, column: %d" l (c - b) in
108 Error msg
109 | ast ->
110 Ok ast
112 let s = sprintf
113 let p = printf
114 let p_ln = print_newline
115 let p_indent n = p "%s" (indent n)
117 let run tests =
118 let error_count = ref 0 in
119 let run_pass f input output : string * string =
120 match f input with
121 | exception e ->
122 incr error_count;
123 ( s "%s: %s" (color Red "ERROR") (Printexc.to_string e)
124 , "n/a"
125 )
126 | Error msg ->
127 incr error_count;
128 ( s "%s: %s" (color Red "ERROR") msg
129 , "n/a"
130 )
131 | Ok produced ->
132 let exe = s "%s" (color Green "OK") in
133 let out =
134 match
135 Option.map output (fun expected -> expected = produced)
136 with
137 | None ->
138 s "%s" (color Yellow "n/a")
139 | Some true ->
140 s "%s" (color Green "OK")
141 | Some false ->
142 incr error_count;
143 s "%s" (color Red "ERROR")
144 in
145 (exe, out)
146 in
147 List.iter tests ~f:(
148 fun {name; code; out_lexing; out_parsing} ->
149 let ( lexing_exe, lexing_out) = run_pass pass_lexing code out_lexing in
150 let (parsing_exe, parsing_out) = run_pass pass_parsing code out_parsing in
151 p "%s" bar_sep; p_ln ();
152 p "Test: %S" name; p_ln ();
153 p_indent 1; p "Lexing:"; p_ln ();
154 p_indent 2; p "exe: %s" lexing_exe; p_ln ();
155 p_indent 2; p "out: %s" lexing_out; p_ln ();
156 p_indent 1; p "Parsing:"; p_ln ();
157 p_indent 2; p "exe: %s" parsing_exe; p_ln ();
158 p_indent 2; p "out: %s" parsing_out; p_ln ();
159 );
160 p "%s" bar_end; p_ln ();
161 let error_count = !error_count in
162 let clr = (if error_count = 0 then Green else Red) in
163 p "Errors: %s" (color clr (string_of_int error_count)); p_ln ();
164 p "%s" bar_end; p_ln ();
165 exit error_count
166 end
168 let test_cases_from_book =
169 [ Test.case
170 "Book test 1: an array type and an array variable"
171 ~code:
172 " \
173 /* an array type and an array variable */ \
174 let \
175 type arrtype = array of int \
176 var arr1:arrtype := \
177 arrtype [10] of 0 \
178 in \
179 arr1 \
180 end \
181 "
182 ~out_lexing:(
183 let open Tiger.Parser in
184 [ LET;
185 TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "int";
186 VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN;
187 ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0;
188 IN;
189 ID "arr1";
190 END
191 ]
192 )
193 ; Test.case
194 "Book test 2: arr1 is valid since expression 0 is int = myint"
195 ~code:
196 " \
197 /* arr1 is valid since expression 0 is int = myint */ \
198 let \
199 type myint = int \
200 type arrtype = array of myint \
201 var arr1:arrtype := \
202 arrtype [10] of 0 \
203 in \
204 arr1 \
205 end \
206 "
207 ~out_lexing:(
208 let open Tiger.Parser in
209 [ LET;
210 TYPE; ID "myint"; EQ; ID "int";
211 TYPE; ID "arrtype"; EQ; ARRAY; OF; ID "myint";
212 VAR; ID "arr1"; COLON; ID "arrtype"; ASSIGN;
213 ID "arrtype"; LBRACK; INT 10; RBRACK; OF; INT 0;
214 IN;
215 ID "arr1";
216 END
217 ]
218 )
219 ; Test.case
220 "Book test 3: a record type and a record variable"
221 ~code:
222 " \
223 /* a record type and a record variable */ \
224 let \
225 type rectype = \
226 { name : string \
227 , age : int \
228 } \
229 var rec1 : rectype := \
230 rectype \
231 { name = \"Nobody\" \
232 , age = 1000 \
233 } \
234 in \
235 rec1.name := \"Somebody\"; \
236 rec1 \
237 end \
238 "
239 ~out_lexing:(
240 let open Tiger.Parser in
241 [ LET;
242 TYPE; ID "rectype"; EQ;
243 LBRACE; ID "name"; COLON; ID "string";
244 COMMA; ID "age"; COLON; ID "int";
246 VAR; ID "rec1"; COLON; ID "rectype"; ASSIGN;
247 ID "rectype";
248 LBRACE; ID "name"; EQ; STRING "Nobody";
249 COMMA; ID "age"; EQ; INT 1000;
251 IN;
252 ID "rec1"; DOT; ID "name"; ASSIGN; STRING "Somebody"; SEMICOLON;
253 ID "rec1";
254 END
255 ]
256 )
257 ; Test.case
258 "Book test 4: define a recursive function"
259 ~code:
260 " \
261 /* define a recursive function */ \
262 let \
263 \
264 /* calculate n! */ \
265 function nfactor(n: int): int = \
266 if n = 0 \
267 then 1 \
268 else n * nfactor(n-1) \
269 \
270 in \
271 nfactor(10) \
272 end \
273 "
274 ~out_lexing:(
275 let open Tiger.Parser in
276 [ LET;
277 FUNCTION; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; COLON; ID "int"; RPAREN; COLON; ID "int"; EQ;
278 IF; ID "n"; EQ; INT 0;
279 THEN; INT 1;
280 ELSE; ID "n"; TIMES; ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; ID "n"; MINUS; INT 1; RPAREN;
281 IN;
282 ID "nfactor"; LPAREN; INT 10; RPAREN;
283 END
284 ]
285 )
286 ; Test.case
287 "Book test 9: error : types of then - else differ"
288 ~code:
289 " \
290 /* error : types of then - else differ */ \
291 if (5>4) then 13 else \" \" \
292 "
293 ~out_lexing:(
294 let open Tiger.Parser in
296 ]
297 )
298 ]
300 (*
301 let test_case_from_book_queens =
302 let code =
303 "\
304 /* A program to solve the 8-queens problem */ \n\
305 \n\
306 let \n\
307 var N := 8 \n\
308 \n\
309 type intArray = array of int \n\
310 \n\
311 var row := intArray [ N ] of 0 \n\
312 var col := intArray [ N ] of 0 \n\
313 var diag1 := intArray [N+N-1] of 0 \n\
314 var diag2 := intArray [N+N-1] of 0 \n\
315 \n\
316 function printboard() = ( \n\
317 for i := 0 to N-1 do ( \n\
318 for j := 0 to N-1 do print(if col[i]=j then \" O\" else \" .\"); \n\
319 print(\"\n\") \n\
320 ); \n\
321 print(\"\n\") \n\
322 ) \n\
323 \n\
324 function try(c:int) = ( \n\
325 /* for i:= 0 to c do print(\".\"); print(\"\n\"); flush();*/ \n\
326 if c=N \n\
327 then printboard() \n\
328 else \n\
329 for r := 0 to N-1 \n\
330 do \n\
331 if row[r]=0 & diag1[r+c]=0 & diag2[r+7-c]=0 \n\
332 then ( \n\
333 row[r] := 1; \n\
334 diag1[r+c] := 1; \n\
335 diag2[r+7-c] := 1; \n\
336 col[c] := r; \n\
337 try(c+1); \n\
338 row[r] := 0; \n\
339 diag1[r+c] := 0; \n\
340 diag2[r+7-c] := 0 \n\
341 ) \n\
342 ) \n\
343 in \n\
344 try(0) \n\
345 end \n\
346 "
347 in
348 (code, code, [])
349 *)
351 let tests_micro_cases =
352 let open Tiger.Parser in
353 [ (let code = "nil" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[NIL])
354 ; (let code = "5" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[INT 5])
355 ; (let code = "-5" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[MINUS; INT 5])
356 ; (let code = "f()" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[ID "f"; LPAREN; RPAREN])
357 ; (let code = "abc.i" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; DOT; ID "i"])
358 ; (let code = "abc[0]" in Test.case code ~code ~out_lexing:[ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 0; RBRACK])
360 ; (let code = "abc[0] := foo()" in Test.case code ~code
361 ~out_lexing:
364 ; (let code = "abc [5] of nil" in Test.case code ~code
365 ~out_lexing:
366 [ID "abc"; LBRACK; INT 5; RBRACK; OF; NIL])
368 ; (let code = "f(\"a\", 3, foo)" in Test.case code ~code
369 ~out_lexing:
370 [ID "f"; LPAREN; STRING "a"; COMMA; INT 3; COMMA; ID "foo"; RPAREN])
371 ]
373 let tests =
374 test_cases_from_book @ tests_micro_cases
376 let () =
377 Test.run tests
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