Begin translation module
[] / tiger /
... / ...
1(* "exe" is for status of execution (whether any exceptions were raised)
2 * "out" is for status of output comparison (whether what was outputted is
3 * what was expected)
4 *
5 * code |> pass_a_exe |> pass_a_out |> ... |> pass_z_exe |> pass_z_out
6 *
7 * pass a:
8 * exe: OK
9 * out: n/a
10 * pass b:
11 * exe: OK
12 * out: OK
13 * pass c:
14 * exe: OK
15 * out: ERROR
16 * ...
17 *
18 * name | pass a | ... | pass z
19 * ---------+--------+-----+--------
20 * exe foo | OK | ... | OK
21 * out foo | OK | ... | ERROR
22 *
23 * *)
25open Printf
27module List = ListLabels
28module String = StringLabels
30module Option : sig
31 type 'a t = 'a option
33 val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
34end = struct
35 type 'a t = 'a option
37 let map t f =
38 match t with
39 | None -> None
40 | Some x -> Some (f x)
43(* TODO: ~expect:Output of 'a | Exception of (exn -> bool) *)
44type t =
45 { name : string
46 ; code : string
47 ; out_lexing : (Tiger_parser.token list) option
48 ; out_parsing : Tiger_absyn.t option
49 ; is_error_expected_semant : (Tiger_error.t -> bool) option
50 }
52type color =
53 | Red
54 | Yellow
55 | Green
58let color_to_ansi_code = function
59 | Red -> "\027[0;31m"
60 | Yellow -> "\027[0;33m"
61 | Green -> "\027[0;32m"
63let color color string =
64 let color_on = color_to_ansi_code color in
65 let color_off = "\027[0m" in
66 sprintf "%s%s%s" color_on string color_off
68let status indicator info =
69 match info with
70 | "" -> indicator
71 | _ -> sprintf "%s: %s" indicator info
73let status_pass ?(info="") () =
74 status (color Green "Pass") info
76let status_fail ?(info="") () =
77 status (color Red "Fail") info
79let status_skip ?(info="") () =
80 status (color Yellow "Skip") info
82let case
83 ?(out_lexing=None)
84 ?(out_parsing=None)
85 ?(is_error_expected_semant=None)
86 ~code
87 name
88 =
89 { name
90 ; code
91 ; out_lexing
92 ; out_parsing
93 ; is_error_expected_semant
94 }
96let bar_sep = String.make 80 '-'
97let bar_end = String.make 80 '='
99let indent =
100 let unit_spaces = 2 in
101 fun n ->
102 String.make (n * unit_spaces) ' '
104let lexbuf_set_filename lb filename
105: unit
107 let Lexing.({lex_start_p; lex_curr_p; _}) = lb in
108 lb.Lexing.lex_start_p <- {lex_start_p with Lexing.pos_fname = filename};
109 lb.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- {lex_curr_p with Lexing.pos_fname = filename}
111let lexbuf_create ~filename ~code =
112 let lb = Lexing.from_string code in
113 lexbuf_set_filename lb filename;
114 lb
116let pass_lexing ~fake_filename ~code
117: (Tiger_parser.token list, string) result
119 let lexbuf = lexbuf_create ~filename:fake_filename ~code in
120 let rec tokens () =
121 let token = Tiger_lexer.token lexbuf in
122 (* Avoiding fragile pattern-matching *)
123 if token = Tiger_parser.EOF then [] else token :: tokens ()
124 in
125 match tokens () with
126 | exception e -> Error (Printexc.to_string e)
127 | tokens -> Ok tokens
129let pass_parsing ~fake_filename ~code
130: (Tiger_absyn.t, string) result
132 let lb = lexbuf_create ~filename:fake_filename ~code in
133 match Tiger_parser.program Tiger_lexer.token lb with
134 | exception Parsing.Parse_error ->
135 let module L = Lexing in
136 let L.({lex_curr_p = {pos_lnum=l; pos_bol=b; pos_cnum=c; _}; _}) = lb in
137 let msg = sprintf "Syntax error around line: %d, column: %d" l (c - b) in
138 Error msg
139 | ast ->
140 Ok ast
142let pass_semant (absyn_opt : Tiger_absyn.t option)
143: (unit, string) result
145 match absyn_opt with
146 | None ->
147 Error "AST not provided"
148 | Some absyn ->
149 Ok (Tiger_semant.transProg absyn)
151let s = sprintf
152let p = printf
153let p_ln = print_newline
154let p_indent n = p "%s" (indent n)
156let run tests =
157 let failure_count = ref 0 in
158 let run_pass ~f ~expect_output ~is_error_expected =
159 let is_error_expected =
160 match is_error_expected with
161 | None -> (fun _ -> false)
162 | Some f -> f
163 in
164 let output_status = "n/a" in
165 let output_value = None in
166 match f () with
167 | exception e ->
168 let execution_status =
169 (match e with
170 | Tiger_error.T e when is_error_expected e ->
171 status_pass () ~info:(Tiger_error.to_string e)
172 | Tiger_error.T e ->
173 incr failure_count;
174 status_fail () ~info:(Tiger_error.to_string e)
175 | e ->
176 incr failure_count;
177 status_fail () ~info:(Printexc.to_string e)
178 )
179 in
180 ( execution_status
181 , output_status
182 , output_value
183 )
184 | Error info ->
185 incr failure_count;
186 ( status_fail ~info ()
187 , output_status
188 , output_value
189 )
190 | Ok produced ->
191 let execution_status = status_pass () in
192 let output_status =
193 match
194 expect_output (fun expected -> expected = produced)
195 with
196 | None ->
197 status_skip () ~info:"expected output not provided"
198 | Some true ->
199 status_pass ()
200 | Some false ->
201 incr failure_count;
202 status_fail ()
203 in
204 let output_value = Some produced in
205 (execution_status, output_status, output_value)
206 in
207 let test_case_count = ref 0 in
208 List.iter tests ~f:(
209 fun
210 { name
211 ; code
212 ; out_lexing
213 ; out_parsing
214 ; is_error_expected_semant
215 }
216 ->
217 incr test_case_count;
218 let (stat_lex_exe, stat_lex_out_cmp, _) =
219 run_pass
220 ~f:(fun () -> pass_lexing ~fake_filename:name ~code)
221 ~expect_output:out_lexing
222 ~is_error_expected:None
223 in
224 let (stat_pars_exe, stat_pars_out_cmp, absyn_opt) =
225 run_pass
226 ~f:(fun () -> pass_parsing ~fake_filename:name ~code)
227 ~expect_output:out_parsing
228 ~is_error_expected:None
229 in
230 let (stat_semant_exe, stat_semant_out_cmp, _) =
231 run_pass
232 ~f:(fun () -> pass_semant absyn_opt)
233 ~expect_output:(Some ())
234 ~is_error_expected:is_error_expected_semant
235 in
236 p "%s" bar_sep; p_ln ();
237 p "Test: %S" name; p_ln ();
238 p_indent 1; p "Lexing:"; p_ln ();
239 p_indent 2; p "exe: %s" stat_lex_exe ; p_ln ();
240 p_indent 2; p "out: %s" stat_lex_out_cmp; p_ln ();
241 p_indent 1; p "Parsing:"; p_ln ();
242 p_indent 2; p "exe: %s" stat_pars_exe ; p_ln ();
243 p_indent 2; p "out: %s" stat_pars_out_cmp; p_ln ();
244 p_indent 1; p "Semantic Analysis:"; p_ln ();
245 p_indent 2; p "exe: %s" stat_semant_exe ; p_ln ();
246 p_indent 2; p "out: %s" stat_semant_out_cmp; p_ln ();
247 );
248 p "%s" bar_end; p_ln ();
249 p "%s"
250 ( let info =
251 s "%d failures in %d test cases" !failure_count !test_case_count
252 in
253 match !failure_count with
254 | 0 -> status_pass () ~info
255 | _ -> status_fail () ~info
256 );
257 p_ln ();
258 p "%s" bar_end; p_ln ();
259 exit !failure_count
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